Sponsors Needed
The following members of NED Alumni Association of Southern California are generously offering 10 scholarships in the amount of Rs. 10,000.00 each for First Year students of NED Engineering University:

Zaid Ahmad 2
Mansoor Khan 1
Abunnasr Husain 1
Shariq Raza 3
Moqueem Ansari 3

Selection Criteria: Scholarship will be offered to deserving students of NED Engineering University who are facing financial hardship due to loss of their father/bread earner of the family.

Students desiring to apply for this scholarship are requested to submit their application with the following documents:

1. A death certificate issued by Karachi Metropolitan Corporation. If death certificate is not available, an Affidavit from a notary public indicating that the student’s father/bread earner has passed away.
2. Student’s birth certificate to establish paternal relationship. If birth certificate is not available, an Affidavit from a notary public indicating student’s relationship with the deceased.
3. Proof of admission/enrollment as a full-time student at NED Engineering University.
4. Mark sheet from Higher Secondary Certificate examination and NED Engineering University if available.
5. A statement from the student explaining how they qualify for this scholarship.
6. Income statement of guardian if student currently supported by the guardian.
7. Copy of NIC
8. Verification from the University that the student currently is not a recipient of any other scholarship/financial aid.
9. E-mail and mailing address..

Students will be selected for this scholarship by the Board of Directors of NED Alumni Association of Southern California http://nedaasc.ning.com based on a combination of financial needs and merit. The Board at its discretion may request additional information as deemed necessary. Selected applicants will be asked to produce original documents for verification in Pakistan.

Each selected student will be awarded a lump-sum amount of Rs.10,000.00 for the calendar year of 2008. Students desiring to be considered for this scholarship for the following years will have to submit a new application package by the due date.

All scholarship application packages must be submitted either be e-mail to moqueem_ansari@yahoo.com or by regular mail to CPM Construction Inc, PO BOX 1521, WALNUT CA 91788, USA. by January 18, 2008. All information submitted by the students with the scholarship application will be held in strict confidence and privacy of the students will be maintained.

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well this reall is a good way to help nedians....deserving nedians....
there are some suggestion.... dont mail chairman of the departments... they are not co-operative n dont have much time to read these mails.... atleastttttttt I know about the chairman of my department when I contacted him asking about whether he recieved ur mail or not... he said he doesnt know any mouqeen ansari n he doesnt have time to read these mails.... as he recieves dozens of it.... welll I would suggest you to mail directly to VC.. he really is a nice person .. I ve met him personally n he is really willing to help all the nedians... ask him for the help.... when he will order, this scholarship will be displayed on every depart notice board... n soon deserving nedians will contact u
This is a highly commendable step for tangible benefits to NEDians. I strongly support it.
Thats too good :) , you are doing a great job.

Syed Qasim Bukhari is very right but dont go to the VC either, there isn't any doubt that he won't help but this system sux big time and a dozen of batches will go unaided if u make it through the VC. Just ask everyone to spread the word, there are loads of groups and all , in no time you will get the responces. And once you have launched the scholorship you go to the admin and ask them to let you people move through proper channels because at that time you will be having proofs and that you aint dependent on then thoroughly. I hope you won't get unnoticed that time.

1. Umm why don't you set some current Nedians or some willing teachers to autheticate whether the applications are valid so that emails can be used, there are plenty of teachers over here.

3. Just spread the word and ask everyone to help voluntarily , this will work insha ALlah

5. yeah , but there is a room for improvement everywhere , I think you need to have some base in Uni , so ask the teachers or make a group of students so that they can direct you to the uni though this had to be done through the management but they are good for nothing , so stay connected to the students as much as you can , for the time being ofcourse :).

Good Luck !!
I ve contacted mr.umer , PA to VC... I ve some personel reelations with him n I asked him to suggest.. He suggest to contact directly to VC at vc@neduet.edu.pk but these days VC is on a trip to turkey so kindly mail him after few days....
You can also contact mr. umer, PA to VC... n then you can have a telephonic meeting with the VC , then U can share all your ideas n everything that u want to do for the nedians... I would again say... our VC is such a nice person n so much caring about the nedians that there might be no one comparable to him in NED
u can contact mr umer on u4umarm@yahoo.com or u4umar@hotmail.com
I dont agree with the idea that just spread by the word of mouth would help coz there are many many thngs to consider... 1stly the newcomers must pay the fees before entering the university , 2ndly who is gonna find out those FE new comers.... well I dont think it would be easy without contacting the authorities concerned
well atleasttt I'm trying what I can do....
best of luck
Hello all
i would like to suggest another channel. First need to contact students affair department and register the shcolarship there. Mention the criteria and name of the person at NED (could be any faculty member) who will be responcible. Also mention the members of board who selcect the student. Once scholarship will be registered this can be advertised through chairman. to advertise on NED notice board we need to take chairman in confidence atleast.
i also had som thing in my mind few months back and did a bit homework on it and this is what i reached. We cannot neglect the importance of questions How can we contact FE students.how we can give scholarship since FE students has to pay Fees at time of admission.
Mr Mouqeem, why not think to provide scholarship for SE. we may have their FE results or faculty recomendation for selection?. let me know if i would be of any help.
Aqsa, Qasim and Zeeshan thanks for your wonderful comments.
First this scholarship cannot be dispersed to the first year students at the time of admission due to logistic reasons. We need proof of admission before we can dish out the money. So the verifiable presence in NED is a must. I don’t know what that paper should be. (Need help).
Second to keep local donors interested it is better the selection process is held here.
Third I like the idea of a support group over there. All it takes is to pass the information in the FE class rooms. OR if you have a NED magazine run an ad over there. (Need help here, who publishes it, its frequency, editors, If I can get a copy?)
I have heard that they are 100’s of scholarships in NED. I could not see then at their web site. Can someone send a link, or better send me a PDF copy.
We are gearing up for some big projects and they definitely can’t be done without the NED Admin support and interaction.
Again thanks for your comments.

Here's an Express Tribune report on 2012-2013 Fulbright scholar program in Pakistan:

Amid strained ties and mutual mistrust, the United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan has announced the world’s largest Fulbright programme in Pakistan for the 2013.

The US government’s flagship scholarship programme awards deserving Pakistani students full scholarships that cover tuition, textbooks, airfare, a stipend, and health insurance to complete their Master’s or PhD degrees in a field of their choice in universities across the US. Currently, approximately 369 students are studying in the US on Fulbright awards and another 200 will be departing in the fall of 2012.

According to Ambassador Richard Hoagland, deputy chief of mission, Pakistan’s Fulbright programme is also one of the oldest in the world. “Our agreement initiating the programme was signed on September 23, 1950 – and the first Pakistanis and Americans travelled each way in the same year. It was one of the very first agreements of its kind and has since been extended to 155 countries around the world.”

Since then, nearly 4,000 Pakistanis and over 800 Americans have participated in USEFP-administered exchange programmes.

The deadline to apply for the 2013 programme is May 16, 2012, and the application form can be downloaded from the USEFP’s website www.usefpakistan.org.



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