Assalam-o-Alaikum all my respected seniors !
Well b4 I start lemme introduce myself.I'm Qasim doing my BE in Electrical Engineering from NED Universoty, currently a student of TE Electrical.Nowadays busy in my TE exams infact yesterday it was our 1st paper.
I m very keen to do MS from abroad & what difficulties em facing would like to share with you so that you may get some suggestions how you people can help us

Admission tips:

1.When we apply to top universities, we are suggested to contact some teacher of that area n then if they like your ideas they can give help in getting your admission(Talking about TOP Universities) , so I expect the ex-NEDians to be in connection with top class universities they can post from which university they are related or they have some connection with the teachers.Even if they are able to get some intro with the teachers of our desired university for MS that would be a gr8888 gr8888888 help

2.You people can post suggestions how can we increase our chances to get admission in top universities where there is too much competition.What are the other main criterias apart from %age on which they select their students etc

Financial Problems:

1.When I'll be going for MS inshALLAH I would be in need of some odd jobs or some part time jobs.Surely everyone going for MS would be looking for it so those NEDians who are settled in that country can help by using their contacts.

2.Well during our MS ofcourse we are gonna face financial problems because of the high fees of international universities so you can collect some funds & give LOANS to those NEDians for 1 or 2 years.Even a load of 2 or 3,000 $ can be so much valuable at that time that you cannot imagine.All the legal formalities can be done to avoid any kind of fraud


1.Any kind of tips to get good scores in GRE n IELTS would be appreciated.How to preppare... prepare by ourself or from some recommended institute etc

2.Financial Help... these 170$ are too much during a student life,infact is 1.5 times our annual fees in NED :) This financial help can be based on MERIT & NEED cum MERIT basis

well these were my suggestions.Thnx for using your valuable time for reading.Now I need your comments & your PRACTICAL ACTIONS on these suggestions.I ve underlined the points which were most important for me.
Thnx once again

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts. We will keep the issues you have in mind. Remember YOU have to point out what the bottle necks are so that some one could help. I have started the GRE thing because that’s how the universities mainly consider giving scholarships to students. Regarding how to score on the test is your problem. Suggestion, study. Study hard.
Thnx a lot for ur reply
well sir as far as the bottle necks are concerned currently em aiming some top class universities n in search of someone who can guide me..... considering MIT,Stanford,UC Berkeley,ETH Zurich,EPFL Lausanne ,DELFT for my MS.My seniors guided me to get some acquaintance with the teachers there, but how to get that acquaintance that seems to me a big problem.Do any of you people have some contacts in these Universities ??
I'd suggest you go to the target university website and look for any orgs or clubs of Pakistani students. Then try contacting them.
well Sir thnx for ur suggestion ! But I ve already tried this.I wasnt able to any nedian there neither as a student or as a teacher.I hope there will be some nedians but they are not showing up themselves.Infact my ex-teacher Sir Adeel Razi told me that he never saw a Pakistani going to ETH.There might be some clubs n orgs of Pakistani students in the Ameracian Universities I mentioned but em really unable to find them out
You might be right that there are no such organizations that have a WEB existence. However I would recommend that go over the member data base and see if any member did his or her MS form the university you are targeting.
Look for Muslim student association (MSA).
Dear Qasim,

I know what are you looking for and let me tell you the truth which is bitter. You will have to rely on yourself only to achieve what you want. Netwrok of Pakistani's students in USA is very weak because we are out numbered by Indians in this country and whoever is in a significant position , is barely making it!!

Number two reason is we are subdivided based on several non-conclusive platforms that we live in our personal prejudices and do not help,even though we can help.

Sorry to give you the dark aspect but you will have to keep this in your mind to move forward

Rehan K
I'll definitely act upon ur advice... lets see what some the result :)
But one of the reason to post this topic here on Nedians platform was to find such people.May be in these 500 members of this website there might be persons graduated from such universities or some frnds working with them might have graduated from such universities...All you people are on respectable positions so you people must be hiring graduates from top universities... so I considered it a better option to find somone from this site first !! n e wayz I'll definitely check out the members database.
unfortunately no more replies. I wonder if people go through such discussions or not :(
Do a Google search on "Pakistani alumni" and you'll see Pakistani alumni groups at Stanford, MIT and other major universities. Then try contacting them. To succeed, you have to do the work and be persistent, then hope you'll get what you're looking for. This is part of your training for real life.

Here are a couple of sites to get you started:

Invite them to join this network.
oh thnx a lotttttttttttttttttttttttt sir !! thats so kind of you :)
Respected Dr. Atif & Amir Siddiqui, thanks for ur reply.You are right KFUPM is a good option if there are financing problem but y not try some high ranked university with a low fee structure.ETH Zurich charges you just 50000 pakistani rupees annually but that may be the reason that its so much tough competition there.Same are the cases with EPFL & DELFT.There are many communties of such unievrsities on orkut but unfortunately u barely see a pakistani there & even that pakistani is not a student he is just trying to get there like me...... n whats more unfortunate is that the english n european people out there are not willing to help asians.After so many weeks of searching I found some english people who help me to the point that first find some professor.... professor that can forward ur application.So thats the reason y em looking for some nedian or atleast an asian in such european universities...... as far as the level of these universities is concerned mr. Amir might know that they are comparable to univ. like MIT & Stanford in U.S.
So em just trying to achieve some impossible there.. thats my luck if I succeed otherwise NUS & KFUPM are not going any where :)


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