Riaz Haq's Blog – October 2007 Archive (9)

Out-of-the-Box Thinking by Muslim Students at Berkeley

I was discussing the recent Newsweek story

about Pakistan with my daughter Michelle who is a sophomore at UC

Berkeley and a member of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) on

campus. I explained to her my feelings about Newsweek's bias and some of the predictable reactions by my friends. In response, she told me about

what happened at UC Berkeley last week where an anti-Muslim group was

having "Islamo-Fascist Week" and how… Continue

Added by Riaz Haq on October 27, 2007 at 10:42pm — 3 Comments

Is Pakistan the Most Dangerous Nation in the World?

The cover of the Oct 29, 2007 issue of Newsweek has a picture of bearded, young, angry Pakistanis with their fists punching the air. The caption says: The Most Dangerous Nation in the World Isn't Iraq. It's Pakistan.

The crux of the argument it offers is captured in a quote from Bruce Riedel, former senior director for South Asia on the US National Security Council. Here's the quote: "If you were to look for where Al Qaeda is going to… Continue

Added by Riaz Haq on October 24, 2007 at 10:36am — 3 Comments

Are people of color less intelligent?

The statement last week by Nobel Laureate geneticist Dr. James Watson regarding Africa as a laggard has slightly re-opened the taboo subject of the link between race and intelligence.

Here's what The Times of London reported: "The scientist, who won the Nobel prize for his part in discovering the structure of DNA, was quoted in an interview in The Sunday Times saying he was…


Added by Riaz Haq on October 21, 2007 at 1:30pm — 8 Comments

Pakistani Scientist on Nobel Prize Winning Panel

Here's some good news I'd like to share with you:

Pakistani scientist in Nobel team

WASHINGTON, Oct 13: Pakistani professor Adil Najam, now teaching at the Fletcher

School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, US, is amongst the team

of scientists… Continue

Added by Riaz Haq on October 15, 2007 at 1:03pm — 1 Comment

Pakistan Link publishes a special supplement on NEDians Convention 2007

Pakistan Link, a California weekly published by NEDian Arif Mansuri, has produced a special supplement on the recently concluded NEDians Convention 2007 in Silicon Valley, CA. Please take a look at it. You might recognize some NEDians in the pictures including the Pro VC Dr. Shamsul Haq and several others who have made a name for themselves and for NED in Silicon Valley and the United States.

You may…


Added by Riaz Haq on October 14, 2007 at 9:25am — No Comments

IAC: The Birth of a Powerful Indian Lobby

For more blog entries by Riaz, please visit Haq's musings.

Last Saturday on October 6, 2007, I was invited to attend the inaugural conference of Indo-American Council (IAC) by my Indian friend, Dr.

Hasan Kamil, a Silicon Valley venture investor and a graduate of

Aligarh Muslim University, MIT and Berkeley. Dr. Hasan Kamil's wife,

Talat, an accomplished entrepreneur in her own right, was a co-chair of

the conference along… Continue

Added by Riaz Haq on October 10, 2007 at 11:03am — 3 Comments

PakAlumni Worldwide now 500 strong

This blog post is from: Haq's musings

I launched PakAlumni Worldwide just three weeks ago after the successful conclusion of NEDians Convention 2007. PakAlumni Worldwide is a social network to specifically address the needs of Pakistani

university alumni and students by providing them with an international

online platform to… Continue

Added by Riaz Haq on October 10, 2007 at 10:14am — No Comments

Dawn of Space Age: Sputnik I launched Oct 4, 1957

Russians shocked Americans 50 years ago today by being first in space. The fear of Russian ascendancy and worries about Americans being left behind in Science and Technology goaded US government and people into action and US put a man on the moon in 1969.

Here's a report on Sputnik's launch in InformationWeek:

The space race began 50 years ago this week when the U.S.S.R. launched Sputnik…

Added by Riaz Haq on October 3, 2007 at 6:59pm — No Comments

Alan Greenspan on Iraq and China

Former US Federal Reserve Chief Alan Greenspan has been promoting his book

"The Age of Turbulence" for the last couple of weeks. Among other

things, he is talking about his reasons for supporting the Iraq

invasion and his assessment that the Chinese stock market is a bubble

waiting to burst. On the question of his support for Iraq invasion, he

explains that he was convinced Saddam Husain would block the Strait of

Hormuz if not removed from power and that would have… Continue

Added by Riaz Haq on October 2, 2007 at 9:19am — 1 Comment

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    Pakistan to Explore Legalization of Cryptocurrency

    Islamabad is establishing the Pakistan Crypto Council (PCC) to look into regulating and legalizing the use of cryptocurrencies, according to media reports. Cryptocurrency refers to digital currencies that can be used to make purchases or investments using encryption algorithms. US President Donald Trump's endorsement of cryptocurrencies and creation of a "bitcoin reserve" has boosted investor's…


    Posted by Riaz Haq on March 28, 2025 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

    World Happiness Report 2025: Poor Ranking Makes Indians Very Unhappy

    Pakistan has outranked India yet again on the World Happiness Index, making Indians very very unhappy. Indian media commentators' strong negative emotional reaction to their nation's poor ranking  betrays how unhappy they are even as they insist they are happier than their neighbors. Coming from the privileged upper castes, these commentators call the report "…


    Posted by Riaz Haq on March 22, 2025 at 10:30am — 7 Comments

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