I have posted a few links of online resources that may be helpful in selecting and studying options for final year projects at NED. Please take a look at these links and suggest any other useful links you find and I will post them on this group page.

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was browsing for final year projects and came across this link..but i cannot find any related links..
are u searching for software projects ?

Here's what I had posted in a different location on this website:

The fundamental skill we all need to have learned by the time we are in an institution of higher learning like NEDUET is to learn on our own. We need to be self-motivated to seek the resources to educate ourselves about our specialized field and our general education about the world to learn independently and think analytically and act without whining. This forum is dedicated to life-long self learners who have no interest in learning by rote just to pass the exams and get a degree.With all of the online resources available including free access to course materials at the top universities, abundance of online knowledge such as Wikipedia, it is now more possible than ever. Some examples are : 1. Over 1700 MIT free online courses at http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/home/home/index.htm 2. Online encyclopedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page 3. Online Research Networks such as www.innocentive.com With proliferation of such resources, any self-motivated person, faculty or student can master the material in their field of choice regardless of any other issues or excuses. Let's talk about what we can do and not focus on the negatives.
thankyou so much Mr.Riaz. It really helped me


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