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Pakistan government has decided to permit hemp farming for industrial and medicinal use, according to Mr. Fawad Chaudhry, Minister of Science and Technology. Initially, the government will control hemp production, Chaudhry said, but private businesses and farmers will be allowed to enter the market at a later date, according to the French news agency AFP.
Hemp ( بھنگ ) plants grow wild like weeds in many parts of Pakistan, particularly in Potohar region where the nation's capital Islamabad is located. Hemp is one of the oldest plants on record as having been used to benefit humans. Hemp is known to have at least 50,000 different uses. In South Asia, people have been cultivating hemp to make ropes and bags and to smoke hashish for centuries.
The government has picked International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) to help regulate hemp products in Pakistan, according to HempToday, a publication that covers the hemp industry. Located at the University of Karachi, it has all the equipment and expertise needed for validation and compliance certification of hemp products in the country, according to Dr. Iqbal Chaudhry, the Center’s Director. He said Pakistan can develop value-added products for export using ICCBS’s research facilities.
Hemp (بھنگ) Applications |
It is hard to tell hemp and marijuana plants apart. Both look the same. However, unlike marijuana, hemp does not contain large amount of high-inducing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which can be addictive. However, it can still be used to produce CBD (cannabinoid) for medical purposes. US Law requires that hemp not contain more than 0.3% THC.
In addition to using CBD in food and medicine, there are many different industrial uses of hemp as well. It can be used in textiles, paper, building materials and body care products.
Pakistan can export CBD to European Union and the United States where it has been legalized and being used to fight the side effects of cancer chemotherapy. The estimated global current market opportunity for CBD is about $25 billion."This hemp market could provide Pakistan with some $1 billion (in export earnings) in the next three years and we are in a process of making a full-fledged plan for this purpose," Mr. Chaudhry told the media recently. He also said that with cotton production in Pakistan declining due to various factors, hemp provided farmers with a viable alternative.
Hemp is probably the strongest natural fiber known to man. It has been used to make ropes, bags and textile fabrics for centuries. Rope beds, known as charpais, are still a common sight in rural Pakistan. Using hemp instead of trees in making paper and packaging materials can help save Pakistan's meager forests, and help diversify exports to earn valuable foreign exchange.
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ICCBS was chosen by the government to work on the project because it has all the equipment and expertise required for certification and validation of hemp products, according to Dr. Iqbal Chaudhry, the Center’s Director. He said Pakistan can develop value-added products for export using ICCBS’s research facilities.
Pakistani government said it hopes to capitalize on the CBD market as it took the first steps toward creating a national hemp program last week. The federal cabinet approved hemp production under government control, calling it a “landmark decision” that could eventually boost the fortunes of private commercial companies and farmers.
Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry announced the cabinet of Prime Minister Imran Khan also had approved a first research license for the Ministry of Science & Technology’s Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) to analyze such things as local cultivars, plant chemistry, and potential industrial and other applications. The government said it will also take time to develop “safeguards” while the plant is still under government control.
Khan’s government has pushed for development of a cannabis economy as one way to improve Pakistan’s foreign exchange position amid the country’s economic challenges. “We want the hemp market to generate $1 billion for Pakistan in the next three years,” Chaudhry said.
“This is a major breakthrough first for research institutions,” said Muhammed A. Qayyum, an adviser to the Pakistani government, and a director at Medics Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Karachi, a producer of herbals and nutraceuticals. “Cannabis has always been a no-go area, so this means they can start working on the required studies.”
Qayyum said the well-regarded International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) at the University of Karachi, which does R&D into the biology of plants, will also play a key role in the country’s cannabis research.
ICCBS was chosen by the government to work on the project because it has all the equipment and expertise required for certification and validation of hemp products, according to Dr. Iqbal Chaudhry, the Center’s Director. He said Pakistan can develop value-added products for export using ICCBS’s research facilities.
کیا جنگلی بھنگ اتنی مفید ہے جتنی کاشت کی ہوئی؟
پاکستان میں جنگلی بھنگ کا پودا ہر عام اگتا ہے تو کیا یہ خودرو بھنگ اتنی کارآمد ہے یا اس کے لیے خصوصی کاشت ضروری ہے؟ اس حوالے سے قائداعظم یونیورسٹی کے فارمیسی شعبے سے تعلق رکھنے والے پروفیسر ڈاکٹر عاصم رحمن نے انڈپینڈنٹ اردو کو بتایا کہ بنیادی طور پر اس پودے میں کینابیڈیول (cannabidiol) نامی ایک عنصر موجود ہوتا ہے جو درد کی شدت کم کرنے کے لیے ادویات، آئل، سپرے یا اِن ہیلرز میں استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔
انہوں نے بتایا کہ اس حوالے سے پاکستان میں ریسرچ 1983 سے جاری تھی اور ابھی بھی مختلف ادویات میں بھنگ کے استعمال کے حوالے قائداعظم یونیورسٹی کے شعبہ ادویات میں ریسرچ جاری ہے۔ انہوں نے بتایا کہ یہ عنصر شدید درد کے مریضوں کے لیے اہم کردار ادا کرتا ہے اور اکثر جسم میں بخار سے پیدا ہونے والی حرارت کو بھی کم کرنے میں مدد دیتا ہے۔
ان کا کہنا تھا کہ اب حکومت نے باقاعدہ کاشت کی اجازت دی ہے تو ادویات بنانےمیں آسانی ملے گی۔
پروفیسر ڈاکٹر عاصم رحمن کے مطابق 'بنیادی طور بھنگ کے پودے کے خاص عنصر قوت مدافعت بڑھانے میں معاون ثابت ہوتے ہیں اور سکون آور بھی۔ لیکن عام جنگلی خودرو بھنگ اور باقاعدہ کاشت ہونے والی بھنگ میں فرق ہوتا ہے۔ ایسا نہیں ہے کوئی بھی شخص خودرو بھنگ توڑ کر دوائی سمجھ کر کھانا شروع کر دے۔'
انہوں نے کہا کہ کینابیڈیول کا عنصر جنگلی خودرو بھنگ میں بہت کم ہوتا ہے جبکہ نشہ آور تقصان دہ عنصر زیادہ ہوتے ہیں۔ کاشت کیا جانے والا باقاعدہ بھنگ کا پودا اسی کینابس فیملی سے تعلق رکھتا ہے لیکن اس کی نباتاتی خصوصیات میں کینابیڈیول عنصر بہت زیادہ مقدار میں ہو گا جبکہ نقصان دہ عنصر کم ہو گا۔
واضح رہے کہ روس میں بھی غیر نشہ آور بھنگ صنعتی استعمال کے لیے کاشت کی جاتی ہے۔ اور اس سے حاصل ہونے والے تیل اور بیج کو فالج کے علاج کے لیے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ امریکہ بھی سی بی ڈی آئل بنانے والی بڑی مارکیٹ ہے۔
#Hemp’s moment is within reach as respected alternative to #cotton in #Pakistan-made fabric & apparel . It provides a greater yield for farmers, reduces amount of water needed to grow, and it offers the wearer UV protection & natural antimicrobial benefits
Panelists at a Kingpins24 panel on Thursday theorized why it’s taken so long for the fiber to catch on throughout the industry—and much of it boils down to legalities.
“Different countries have different rules and regulations,” said Zishan Ahmed, deputy general manager, product development, Naveena Denim. “In Pakistan, our government has approved some legislation on it, so ultimately we will have a bigger crop size in the coming days.”
The Pakistan government recently announced plans to allow the industrial production of hemp, which will initially be controlled by the government and eventually open up to private businesses and farmers. According to the Jakarta Post, Pakistan’s science and technology minister Fawad Chaudhry estimated the legislation could provide the country with $1 billion over the course of the next three years.
And many could benefit from hemp-based products. Experts explained that the fiber has a number of benefits on both the consumer and the supply chain sides: It provides a greater yield for farmers and reduces the amount of water needed to grow, and it offers the wearer UV protection and natural antimicrobial benefits.
But one of the greatest benefits according to Junaid Safdar, R&D director of Siddiqsons, is that it would lessen the industry’s dependency on cotton.
“We need an alternate solution to cotton right now because water reserves are decreasing everywhere around the world, and cotton’s yield is not so great,” he said. “Hemp has a very good yield compared to cotton, and it has all of its same features.”
He noted that advancements in cottonized hemp have made the fibers comparable in nearly every aspect, with hemp leading the charge in benefits.
Johan Van den Heede, marketing director of Raymond Uco, added that its ability to blend with organic fibers is a key advantage that can take the material from summer to winter.
“Playing with the construction and with the blends, you can make beautiful products out of hemp,” he said. “It’s a bit more authentic—it gives you a more rustic feeling.”
Despite hemp’s benefits, it will take a while for the industry to drive down the cost and make it more accessible to the consumer. According to Safdar, it all boils down to supply and demand.
“Technically it should be cheaper, but it’s just a matter of time because of the demand supply,” he said. “It’s still very early stage. I think that as the time passes, it will eventually become the same price as cotton or maybe even cheaper.”
Denim mills have created innovative fabrics that embody all of these properties. In separate presentations at the Kingpins24 online event, Artistic Milliners and US Denim highlighted some of their featured fabrics.
Artistic Milliners presented its Bio Vision 2.0 collection that is based on guidelines set by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Jeans Redesign, featuring biodegradable fibers that provide optimal recovery. The mill’s circular focus is also displayed in its Circular Blue New collection, which is made of 100 percent recycled cotton and uses post-consumer, pre-consumer and industrial waste.
The Pakistan-based fabric mill also highlighted its use of cottonized hemp, which checks off multiple boxes for consumers, as the fiber is both sustainable and naturally antimicrobial. Its IntelliJeans collection features hemp sourced from China that is free of pesticides and uses 86 percent less water than conventional products.
Artistic Milliners offers a similar take on antimicrobial denim with its hemp-based Buttery Soft 2.0 collection. Made with water-saving dyeing techniques, denim in this collection provides the comfort of sweatpants with the look of an authentic jean. And while most jeans lose their softness over time, this denim was specially designed to get softer with every wash.
Hemp Clothing Is Happening, and No, It Won’t Get You High
Once sullied by its associations with seedy drug culture, the irreproachable hemp plant is gaining ground in summer fabrics that rival wrinkly linen
MORE THAN JUST A WEED Hemp Jacket, $129,; Glanshirt Shirt, $355,; Hemp Pants, $406,; Boots, $130,
More Than Just A Weed Hemp Jacket, $129, Patagonia.Com; Glanshirt Shirt, $355, Slowear.Com; Hemp Pants, $406, Phipps.International; Boots, $130, Clarksusa.Com.
LAST YEAR Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell signed his name on the 2018 Farm Bill using a pen made of hemp. Among other initiatives, the bill removed hemp from the Controlled Substances list, where it had languished since 1970. To address the elephant in the article: Hemp is not marijuana, its THC-potent sibling. It’s a perfectly respectable (read: non-high inducing) plant that produces fibers for textiles, plastics, paper and a host of other products. The passing of the Farm Bill is the surest sign yet that hemp has shed its headshop connotations and entered the mainstream. Included in that transformation is its legitimacy as a valid, even desirable, fabric for modern clothing.
According to many designers and fans, hemp is an eco-friendly alternative to cotton, requiring less water to produce and regenerating at a far more rapid rate. It is also a suitable summer-weight substitute for wrinkle-prone linen. “Everyone walks up to it and is like, ‘Oh my God, this is linen,’” said Ally Ferguson, the owner of Seeker, a 2-year-old hemp-based label in Los Angeles. Her brand’s lightweight trousers and jackets (made from imported hemp) have a clean, almost Scandinavian aesthetic, one that calls to mind a minimal urban coffee shop, not Woodstock. “When people look at it they’re like, ‘It’s not really hippie or crunchy. That’s super clean and I want to wear that.’”
‘As evidenced by its nautical uses, hemp is impressively durable.’
As evidenced by its nautical uses since at least the Viking era, hemp is impressively durable. Companies like Patagonia and Levi’s are exploiting this quality by fashioning the material into hardy work trousers and jeans. “It was the original sail cloth, so it’s really resistant to ripping and pulling,” said Antonio Ciongoli, the designer of 18 East, a New York label that made all of its lightweight summer sweaters from Italian hemp this year. He also focused on hemp because it doesn’t crumple like linen, the more common choice for an airy knit. “The fibers are really strong,” noted Mr. Ciongoli. You can stuff a hemp sweater in your suitcase or wear it on a hot day without being subjected to unsightly puckering.
Though it has clear aesthetic and ecological advantages, hemp fiber is not readily available on a large scale here in America. Jeffrey Silberman, a professor and chairperson of textile development at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, stated that it takes a specific type of processing equipment to turn hemp into a fiber, and that type of machinery is still scarce. “New York state doesn’t have the processing equipment for it, at least as far as I can tell. I haven’t found a spinning mill that can handle hemp,” he said. Nonetheless, universities in New York and North Carolina are working on America’s hemp development, and Mr. Silberman predicts that hemp’s rehabbed reputation will make it a closet staple soon enough. “It’s not scratchy anymore and it’s not based on a five pointed leaf,” he said. “It’s based on its being a real fiber that can make a real fabric.”
new evidence is adding support to the theory that cannabis derived CBD may help those suffering from the severe lung inflammation that occurs in more serious cases of COVID-19. The study from researchers at Augusta University in Georgia suggests that CBD may positively impact ARDS or acute respiratory distress syndrome - a dangerous symptom in COVID-19 caused by an overactive inflammatory response. This is sometimes referred to as a ‘cytokine storm’. The authors of the study explain that “currently, other than supportive measures, there is no definitive cure for ARDS, illustrating the urgent need for creative and effective therapeutic modalities to treat this complex condition.”
But CBD may be able to help treat this dangerous symptom of COVID-19. The researchers suggest CBD may be able to help by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokine production, fighting off the storm. By reducing specific cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1b, and IL-17, we may be able to bring down the inflammation and thus end the respiratory distress and damage. And the results of these researchers' experiments supported this theory.
Native to South Asia, the hardy and drought-resistant Moringa tree can contribute to everything from better vision and stronger immune system to healthier bones and skin. Moringa has 25 times more iron than spinach, 17 times more calcium than milk, 15 times more potassium than bananas and nine times more protein than yoghurt, according to Dr. Shahzad Basra of the University of Agriculture in Faisalabad, Pakistan. “It also has seven times more vitamin C compared to oranges, over 10 times more vitamin A compared to carrots and three times more vitamin E compared to almonds", he added. No wonder the powder made from Moringa leaves is sold as superfood in the West. Global market for Moringa products is estimated at $5 billion and growing at 8% CAGR.
#American Fabric Brand Lenzing Taps Supply Chain Leaders in #Pakistan & #UK to Launch Tencel Lyocell #Hemp #Denim. It has been developed exclusively in-house by Pakistan-based denim producer Naveena Denim Ltd., and U.K.-based Endrime.
A new capsule collection from Lenzing is a literal and figurative meeting of the minds.
Debuting at Kingpins24, the Bast Recast collection demonstrates the power of collaboration, featuring a Tencel lyocell hemp blend and environmentally friendly solutions from leaders throughout the denim supply chain that underscore hemp’s sustainable properties.
“In order to pay homage to the history of hemp, we brought together a group of companies who we knew could deliver both the quality, innovation and environmental integrity that the sustainable denim wardrobe projects demand,” said Michael Kininmonth, project manager at Lenzing.
Every detail, from thread to hang tag, was selected with the environment in mind: Portugese supplier Crafil provided biodegradable sewing threads made from Celofil—100 percent certified Tencel lyocell thread—while joker labels and hang-tags were designed from the collection’s off-cuts. Preservation project Warp-face provided sustainable paper, and Italian chemicals company Officina+39 supplied Recycrom dyestuff for the Tencel lyocell and hemp denim paper.
Hemp has long been touted by farmers as a fiber that has regenerative properties and requires less water to grow than cotton crops, and has been considered a cash crop in countries like China. But because of its connection to the cannabis industry, hemp has been a difficult field to navigate from a legal standpoint. Easing national restrictions in recent years have helped nudge the fiber into the spotlight, leading experts to view it as the next major cotton alternative. Outdoor apparel leader Patagonia recently spearheaded a plan to bring hemp production back to the U.S.—specifically to Colorado’s San Luis Valley.
Major brands such as Levi’s have been experimenting with the fiber for years, and the denim giant just recently debuted a collection with its highest hemp count to-date. The line offers garments including men’s and women’s Trucker Jackets, and men’s 502 Taper jeans, made with 55 percent hemp blends—up from 30 percent in 2019. Hemp is also a part of Wrangler’s new Retro Green Jean collection, a line that gives a sustainable update to its bestselling denim.
Levi Jeans' New #Pakistan Store is Run Entirely by #Women. It is 168-year-old #international clothing brand's first owned-and-operated store in Pakistan that’s staffed entirely by women. The store is located in #Lahore. #apparel via @SourcingJournal
The opening is a win for Pakistani women, as the Covid-19 pandemic hit vulnerable demographics especially hard and exposed an increasing need to learn alternative work skills. According to Maha Butt, the new store’s manager, Levi’s launch helps open a new line of work for those most affected.
“This is a great initiative that heads in the right direction to break gender-based stereotypes and perspectives,” she said. “It’s great that we can showcase retail as a good and rewarding career option for women.”
One of the world’s largest sources of funding for developing countries, the World Bank Group reported that while women make up 48.5 percent of Pakistan’s population, only about 22 percent are employed. To close that gap, companies throughout the global denim supply chain launched targeted initiatives to support Pakistani women.
In March, Pakistan-based Artistic Milliners launched HERessentials, a pilot program that helps women working within its factories develop social and technical skills needed to respond to environmental and socioeconomic changes. The program is established by the same organizers of HERproject, a skills-building initiative that’s also garnered support from denim heavyweights including Levi’s.
The denim brand noted that it has more work to do to connect Pakistani women with employment opportunities. Currently, the company reports that 14 percent of women make up its Pakistani retail workforce. It aims to increase that number to 25 percent by the end of 2021, and up to 40 percent by the end of 2022. A second women-run store is slated to open in Karachi later this year.
“I am so excited about this amazing store from our team in Pakistan,” said Elizabeth A. Morrison, who joined Levi Strauss as chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer last year. “It builds on and challenges us to advocate for what’s right while capturing our renewed commitment to focusing on ‘our insides’ and our intention to create a company that mirrors our consumers and communities.”
The initiative is part of Levi’s greater commitment to having better representation throughout the company. Last June, it published its first-annual diversity report which showed that women make up 55 percent of the company’s corporate division and 58 percent of its retail segment, but the majority of management positions are fulfilled by men. Males make up 59 percent of leadership positions, which LS&Co. defines as the top 250 leaders in the company. Men fulfill 56 percent of executive management positions and 67 percent of LS&Co.’s board of directors.
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