Pakistan Ranks Among World's Top 3 Nations For New Hydroelectric Capacity Added in 2018

Pakistan ranked third in the world by adding nearly 2,500 MW of hydropower in 2018, according to Hydropower Status Report 2019.  China added the most capacity with the installation of 8,540 megawatts, followed by Brazil (3,866 MW), Pakistan (2,487 MW), Turkey (1,085 MW), Angola (668 MW), Tajikistan (605 MW), Ecuador (556 MW), India (535 MW), Norway (419 MW) and Canada (401 MW).

New Installed Hydroelectric Power Capacity in 2018. Source: Hydrowo...

Pakistan's Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) says commissioning of the 108-MW Golen Gol 2, 1,410-MW Tarbela 4th Extension and 969-MW Neelum Jhelum hydropower projects in 2018 boosted its hydroelectric generating capacity of 9,389 MW, an increase of 36% in just one year, according to Hydro Review. Hydropower now makes up about 28% of the total installed capacity of 33,836 MW as of February, 2019.   WAPDA reports contributing 25.63 billion units of hydroelectricity to the national grid during the year, “despite the fact that water flows in 2018 remained historically low.” This contribution “greatly helped the country in meeting electricity needs and lowering the electricity tariff for the consumers.”

Top 20 Countries by Newly Installed Hydropower Capacity. Source: IHA

Pakistan has the potential to generate 59,000 MW of hydropower, according to studies conducted by the nation's Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA). Currently, it's generating only 9,389 MW of hydroelectric power, about 16% of the estimated potential. Media reports indicate that China is prepared to finance and build another 40,000MW capacity as part of the development of the Northern Indus Cascade region which begins in Skardu in Gilgit-Baltistan and runs through to Tarbela, the site of Pakistan’s biggest dam, in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.

Pakistan Power Generation Fuel Mix. Source: Third Pole
Pakistan has made only a small contribution to climate change through carbon emissions.  And yet, it counts among the dozen or so nations considered most vulnerable to its damaging effects. These include rising temperatures, recurring cycles of floods and droughts and resulting disruption in food production.

One of the ways Pakistan can help reduce carbon emissions is by realizing its full hydroelectric potential by building more dams. The development of the Northern Indus Cascade region to generate 40,000MW of hydropower is a significant part of this effort.

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Recurring Cycles of Drought and Floods in Pakistan

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Views: 782

Comment by Riaz Haq on May 16, 2019 at 10:13am

Combined capacity of 10 biggest #BRI #power projects funded by #China is 20.97GW, out of which #Pakistan’s share is 9.57GW (45%): Suki Kinari #Hydro, Quaid-e-Azam #Solar, Kohala Hydel , Thar #Coal, CPHGC Hub Power. Sahiwal Coal, Port Qasim. #CPEC

Eight of the ten biggest power projects under China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as of 2019 are in Pakistan, within the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The combined capacity of the ten biggest BRI power projects is 20.97GW, out of which Pakistan’s share is 9.57GW (45%). Power-technology lists the biggest power projects under the BRI, based on capacity.

Comment by Riaz Haq on May 20, 2019 at 7:49am

#India (rank 8) falls behind #Pakistan (rank 3) among top 10 countries by new #hydropower capacity added in 2018. #India added only 535 megawatt (MW) in 2018, as compared to Pakistan’s 2,487 MW in 2018. #power #electricity ET EnergyWorld

Out of the top 20 countries, China topped the list with the highest installation of 8,540 MW, followed by Brazil at second position with 3,866 MW. 

Pakistan was ranked third, followed by Turkey with 1,085 MW new capacity addition and Angola with 668 MW, the report titled ‘2019 Hydropower Status Report’ showed.

The bottom five comprised Tajikistan at 605 MW, Ecuador at 556 MW, India with 535 MW, Norway with 419 MW and Canada with 401 MW, according to the report by the International Hydropower Association.

“Electricity generation from hydropower projects achieved a record estimated 4,200 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2018, the highest-ever contribution from a renewable energy source. Worldwide installed hydropower capacity climbed to 1,292 GW,” the report added.

Pumped hydropower storage capacity reached 160.3 gigawatt (GW) in 2018, up from 1.9 GW in 2017, it said. In total, at least 48 countries worldwide added hydropower capacity in 2018. 

“Four years on since the Sustainable Development Goals were agreed at the United Nations in 2015, governments increasingly recognise hydropower as playing a vital role in national strategies for delivering affordable and clean electricity, managing freshwater, combating climate change and improving livelihoods,” said IHA Chief Executive Richard Taylor and IHA President Ken Adams.

More than 21.8 GW of renewable hydroelectric capacity was put into operation in 2018, according to the report.

Comment by Riaz Haq on May 26, 2019 at 8:07pm

#Chinese VP visits Pakistan. #China #Pakistan launch 4 joint projects: 660kv Matiari-#Lahore transmission line to carry 2000 MW, Rashakai Special Economic Zone in KP, #Huawei Technical Support Center, Confucius Institute at the University of #Punjab. #CPEC

Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan Sunday launched four mega development projects in the fields of energy, technology, and education under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

The dignitaries unveiled the plaques of the four projects at a ceremony held here in the capital during the three-day visit of the Chinese VP. It was also attended by Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Planning Minister Khusro Bakhtiar, Finance Advisor Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, and members of the Chinese delegation.

Under the first project, a transmission line of 660kv would be laid between Matiari and Lahore to transmit power from coal-based plants located at Thar, Port Qasim, and Hub. It would have the capacity to supply 2000 MW with 10 percent overloaded capability for two hours.

The two leaders unveiled the plaque for Rashakai Special Economic Zone (RSEZ) project to promote industrialisation through optimally priced, world-class industrial infrastructure in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The RSEZ is situated centrally in the CPEC at the junction of Karakoram Corridor and ML-1 development corridor. It is set to become — and will be designed — to be the key trade and logistics hub connecting Kashgar, Kabul, and Gwadar on the Belt and Road and a high-end host of international commercial, technological, and manufacturing hub.

The two leaders inaugurated the Confucious Institute at the University of Punjab. The institute mainly provides Chinese education, cultural promotion and exchanges, and other projects and activities.

The ceremony also marked the launching of Huawei Technical Support Center to be established in Pakistan as part of Chinese tech giant’s commitment to make massive investment in Pakistan.

Comment by Riaz Haq on June 2, 2019 at 8:16pm

4.557 Million Acre Feet of #Water Storage Capacity Added In #Pakistan in Last 10 Years. 2.880 MAF in #Mangla Raising, 0.892 MAF Gomal Zam, 0.053 MAF Satpara, 0.089 MAF Darawat, 0.152 MAF Mirani, 0.014 MAF Sabakzai, Other #Dams: 0.278 MAF.

The government is actively working for development of small, medium and large water storage reservoirs in the country and added 4.557 million acre feet (MAF) storage capacity during last 10 years.

Giving the details, officials sources told APP here on Friday, that some 2.880 MAF was added through Mangla Raising dam, 0.892 MAF Gomal Zam dam, 0.053 MAF Satpara dam, 0.089 MAF Darawat dam, 0.152 MAF Mirani dam and 0.014 MAF Sabakzai dams.

Similarly, 0.278 MAF water storage capacity has also been added by constructing various small dams during said period, they said.

The projects included 0.087 MAF ISSO Barriers Sindh, 0.014 MAF Palai, Kundal, KP, 0.021 MAF 20 small dams, KP, 0.032 MAF reconstruction of Shadi Kaur dam, 0.039 MAF and 0.068 MAF 100 delay action dams (Balochistan) and 0.

068 MAF rehabilitation of Akra Kaur dam Balochistan.

They said the government has already acquired 85 per cent land for Diamer Basha dam which would store 6.4 MAF. A sum of Rs 2000 million has also been allocated for Mohmand dam which would store 0.676 MAF water.

The sources said a storage capacity of 4.965 MAF of existing reservoirs had been lost due to sedimentation. Studies showed that additional 0.75 MAF would be lost due to sedimentation by 2025, they said.

They said additional reservoirs were required for inter season and inter year transfer of water.

They said that per capita water availability in the Pakistan was 5,260 cubic meter per annum in 1951 which had been reduced to 908 cubic meters per annum in 2018 due to ever increasing trend of populations.

Comment by Riaz Haq on June 16, 2019 at 10:17am

#Engro #Energy to build 200 MW #solar in #Balochistan #Pakistan. According to the filings, the company plans to invest a total of USD 144 million (EUR 127.8m) in four farms and finance them with a combination of debt and equity at a ratio of 80:20.

Pakistani power sector regulator NEPRA is considering to grant a generation licence to local developer Engro Energy Limited for four solar photovoltaic (PV) farms totalling 200 MW in the province of Balochistan.

NEPRA admitted on Wednesday four applications for the proposed projects, named Kuchlak-I, Kuchlak-II, Kuchlak-III and Kuchlak-IV, of 50 MW each. According to the filings, Engro Energy plans to invest a total of USD 144 million (EUR 127.8m) in the four farms and finance them with a combination of debt and equity at a ratio of 80:20.

The next step in the process is a 14-day period during which all stakeholders and interested and affected parties will comment on the generation licences.

If Engro Energy receives all necessary approvals, the Kuchlak PV farms will be constructed near the namesake town in Balochistan and commissioned in June 2020.

(USD 1.0 = EUR 0.89)

Comment by Riaz Haq on June 18, 2019 at 9:09am

#Hydropower accounts for more than 18% of all #renewable #energy employment worldwide. #China at 15%, #Brazil at 10%, #Vietnam at 6%, #Pakistan at 5%, the #EuropeanUnion and #Russian Federation at 4% each, and #Iran and the #US at 3% each.- HydroWorld

Worldwide, the renewable energy technologies sector employed 11 million people at the end of 2018, according to the Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review 2019 from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

Leading markets like China, the U.S. and the EU hosted the greatest concentration of jobs in renewables, IRENA says.

The report says hydropower has the largest installed capacity of all renewables, accounting for almost 50% of renewable energy in the world, but is now expanding slowly. The sector employs 2.05 million people, directly, nearly three quarters of whom are in operations and maintenance. Construction and installation represent 23% of the total. Manufacturing is characterized by lower labor intensity and contributes 5%. Employment in the hydro sector has grown from 1.66 million in 2012.

By country, India accounts for 17% of the total employment, followed by China at 15%, Brazil at 10%, Vietnam at 6%, Pakistan at 5%, the European Union and Russian Federation at 4% each, and Iran and the U.S. at 3% each.

IRENA points out that previous editions of this report provided separate employment estimates for small and large hydropower. However, this edition combines both as “differentiating between them is difficult because of the scarcity of data and for lack of a universally agreed threshold.”

With regard to trade and supply chain dynamics, the report says that for hydropower, China represented a quarter of global exports, while European firms commanded a 46% share and the U.S. and India contributed just under 5% each.

The report also covers tide, wave and ocean energy, with 1 million jobs in 2018.

IRENA is an intergovernmental organization that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future and promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bio-energy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy.

Comment by Riaz Haq on June 22, 2019 at 10:45am

#Pakistan's #Karachi #nuclear #power plant (KANUPP), is undergoing a $10 billion 2,200MW capacity extension, with two 1,100MW pressurized water #reactor (PWR) units. Project includes 220kV and 550kV transmission lines to connect it to the national #grid.

Pakistan’s first nuclear plant, Karachi nuclear power plant (Kanupp), is undergoing a 2,200MW capacity extension, with two 1,100MW pressurised water reactor (PWR) units of Chinese design under construction at the site.

The $10bn project is being built with financial assistance from China, the biggest energy and infrastructure investor in Pakistan.

Karachi nuclear power plant is located on the Arabian Sea coast, approximately 18km east of Karachi and has been in service with a single 137MW reactor unit (Kanupp-1) since 1972. It is owned and operated by Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC).

Construction of the Kanupp-2 and Kanupp-3 reactor units started in August 2015 and May 2016, with the start of commercial operations scheduled for 2021 and 2022, respectively.

Reactor units will have a design life of 60 years and account for roughly 10% of the country’s total generation capacity.

Karachi nuclear power plant’s new units and reactor design details
Kanupp-2 and Kanupp-3 will each consist of a nuclear island, conventional island, and balance of plant.

Each nuclear island will house a Hualong One or HPR1000 (formerly ACP-1000) reactor from China.

The HPR1000 is a generation III+ three-loop PWR based on the design improvements over the China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN)’s ACPR-1000 and China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC)’s ACP-1000 reactor models.

In 2014, the Chinese Government asked the two state-owned reactor builders to merge their two third-generation reactor designs and to market as a unified Chinese brand abroad.

“Reactor units will have a design life of 60 years and account for roughly 10% of the country’s total generation capacity.”
The Hualong One advanced reactor design comes with a single stack layout, 177 nuclear fuel assemblies, a double containment structure, and a combination of active and passive safety systems.

Each new reactor unit at Kanupp will have 1,100MWe gross electrical output and 3,060MWt gross thermal output.

The reactors are designed to provide emergency cooling for 72 hours in the absence of electricity supply.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) completed the Generic Reactor Safety Review (GRSR) of the HPR1000 reactor in January 2015.

The Fangchenggang nuclear power plant (NPP) in the Guangxi province, China, and the Fuqing NPP in the Fujian Province, China, are also being built with two HPR1000 units each.

Financing for Karachi nuclear power plant expansion
More than 80% of the estimated project cost is being financed through a loan from China’s state-owned Export-Import (Exim) Bank.

The remaining cost is being funded by the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) of the Pakistan Government.

Electricity transmission
The electricity transmission infrastructure works for the Karachi nuclear power plant expansion include the development of 220kV and 550kV transmission lines connecting to the national grid.

The National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) of Pakistan will be responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of the electricity transmission infrastructure for the project.

Contractors involved
China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) is involved as the general contractor and reactor supplier for the project through its overseas nuclear project platform China Zhongyuan Engineering Corporation (CZEC).

The reactors are jointly developed by CNNC and China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) using the ACP-1000 technology.

Comment by Riaz Haq on June 22, 2019 at 10:49am

Pakistan inaugurates 5th nuclear power plant to solve energy crisis
Will receive a major energy boost as the ‘new plant will generate 340MW of electricity’

Pakistan launched its fifth nuclear power plant on Friday to meet the growing demands of energy in the nation.

Pakistan will receive a major energy boost as the “new plant will generate 340 megawatt (MW) of electricity”, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi announced as he inaugurated the plant in Mianwali in the province of Punjab.

Chashma Nuclear Power Plant Unit-4 (C-4) would be operational and connected to the country’s power grid with tremendous effort from Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) and China. The plant would pass through various functional and safety-related tests at full power.

The successful operation of Chashma Nuclear Power Plant Unit-4 would be a landmark achievement of PAEC’s, effectively pursuing its vision of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

Addressing the inaugural ceremony of the plant, Abbasi said the project would help the country’s energy problem.

Pakistan’s government is committed to achieving the goal of adding 8,800MW of nuclear energy to the national grid by 2030, he said.

The nuclear power plants in the country have contributed greatly to providing cheap electricity to the energy-starved nation.

“The Chashma nuclear power projects units C-1, C-2 and C-3 have been successfully contributing to the national grid with an excellent performance since 2000, 2011 and 2016 respectively,” PM Abbasi noted.

In his speech, Abbasi thanked the government of China for its cooperation, saying the projects could not have been completed without the support of Chinese people and the government.

Referring to China — Pakistan Economic Corridor projects, he said the fruits of the government’s endeavours have started reaching people with a network of roads being spread across the country and the development of Gwadar and Thar Coal. The ongoing projects are being expedited and will be completed by June next year.

Pakistan is also building two more nuclear power plants in Karachi, known as K-2 and K-3, which are scheduled to be operational in 2020 and 2021 respectively and will add 2,200MW electricity to the national grid.

More power generation projects would be launched in Chashma and Muzaffarabad areas, the PM said, expressing hope that the gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate will reach more than 6 per cent by next year.

Abbasi also said the energy projects, of more than 10,000MW, by the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) government have helped overcome load-shedding, and the government will be able to end the problem by November 2017.

Currently, Pakistan’s four nuclear power plants — KANUPP, C-1, C-2 and C-3 — are generating a total of 1,030MW of power, which will be enhanced with the inauguration of the C-4 Chashma plant.

Comment by Riaz Haq on June 22, 2019 at 10:52am

China tops out Hualong One nuclear plant in Pakistan
20 June 2019

Right on schedule, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) this week successfully lifted the large outer containment dome into place at Karachi Unit 2 in Pakistan.
It is the overseas debut of China’s homegrown third-generation HPR1000 reactor design, known as the Hualong One, which is currently being assessed for the new Bradwell B nuclear power station in Essex, UK.

In Karachi, ground broke in November 2012, and China lent $6.5bn to Pakistan to help fund the $9.6bn project. 

State-owned CNNC said the milestone, achieved 17 June, marks the end of general construction on Karachi Unit 2, and will be followed by containment and heat tests. 

The project is scheduled for completion next year, reports have said.

The HPR1000, China’s self-developed third-generation nuclear power technology, has a double containment design, with the outer containment providing secondary protection.

The outer dome is a 366-ton multi-surface shell made up of 63 prescribed components, the company said.

CNNC has four HPR1000 units under construction around the world, which make up the world’s only third-generation pressurised water reactor nuclear power project constructed according to schedule.

The HPR1000 reactor for Bradwell B in the UK, developed by another Chinese nuclear company, CGN, and France’s EDF, has reached Step 3 in the design assessment process that began in 2017.

Comment by Riaz Haq on June 22, 2019 at 10:58am

The investment is spread over 17 power generation projects and one HVDC transmission project. Chinese companies, under CPEC, will be working on four wind power projects of 300 MW capacity, one solar power project of 900 MW, three hydro power projects of 2,714 MW, five coal projects in Thar Sindh of 3,960 MW and four imported coal projects of 4,260 MW in total, along with a ±660 kV HVDC transmission line between Sindh and Punjab. These projects are of strategic importance for China to expand its influence in the region. Working with Pakistan enables shorter supply routes and quick development of the western province of Xinjiang (capital Kashgar).

One of the key projects in CPEC is the ±660 kV Bipolar Matiari-Lahore HVDC transmission line project, which will transmit 4,000 MW of electricity. This project is the first ever HVDC transmission line in Pakistan and it will also be the first transmission line project in the country being developed by the private sector. Previously all the transmission work was carried out by TSO, National Transmission Dispatch Company (NTDC), itself. The project includes two converter stations and two electrode-grounding stations at Matiari/Lahore, three repeater stations and a transmission line. This connection will evacuate 4,000 MW of electricity power from seven projects under CPEC: 1,320 MW Port-Qasim Coal Project (Karachi), 1,320 MW Shanghai Electric Coal Project (Thar), 660 MW Engro Coal Project (Thar), 1,320 MW HUBCO Coal Project (Baluchistan) and 330 MW Siddique Sons Energy (Karachi). 1,320 MW Port-Qasim Coal Project Karachi’s Phase-I of 660 MW would be functioning by 2018 and Phase-II of same capacity would be on the grid by 2020. 1,320 MW Shanghai Electric Coal Project with Phase-I & II of 660 MW each would be completed in 2018 and 2020 respectively. Engro Coal Project Unit I & II, 330 MW each, would be functioning fully in 2019 and 1,320 MW HUBCO Coal Project would be completed by 2020.

A significant module of CPEC is the industrial collaboration that foresees to fully benefit from the demographic and natural endowment of the country and enhancing its industrial capability through creation of new industrial clusters, while balancing the regional socioeconomic development, enhancing people’s wellbeing, and promoting domestic peace and stability. In the past five years, China-Pakistan trade has continued to grow rapidly, with an annual growth rate of 18.8% on average; bilateral investment also has been soaring, and China has become one of the biggest sources of foreign capital for Pakistan. International economic and technological cooperation has shown strong momentum, expanding into more areas while social and people-to-people exchange has increased at parallel. The orderly and timely flow of economic factors in both countries along the CPEC will significantly improve the resource allocation efficiency and bring into full play the comparative advantage of each country with respect to the industrial sector specifically.


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