Is India's Modi Succeeding in Isolating Pakistan?

Has India succeeded in framing the Kashmir issue as "Cross-border terrorism" rather than a genuine grass-roots freedom struggle of Kashmiri people?

Prime Minister Modi with NSA Ajit Doval   
 Has the international and Pakistani media bought the Indian propaganda on Kashmir?  Have the media headlines changed from Kashmir protests to Uri attack and "surgical strikes"?

Was the Cyril Almeida story in Dawn based on truth? Or was it planted for propaganda purposes to malign Pakistan Army? Who planted it?

Is the threat of Pakistan's isolation real? If so, why are investors continuing to invest in Pakistani market to push it to new highs?

Why are China and the United States rejecting India's demand to isolate Pakistan? Why did Russia do first-ever military exercises in Pakistan? Why are so many countries conducting military exercises with Pakistan? Why is Iran seeking to join CPEC projects? Why are Turkey and OIC supporting Pakistan?

Will Pakistan act against Hafiz Saeed, Masood Azhar and the Haqqanis?  Why are the British not acting against Altaf Husain for taking money from RAW and ordering MQM militant attacks in Karachi to hurt Pakistan? Why is Bramadagh Bugti being hosted by the Swiss government in spite of his support for terror attacks in Balochistan?

Why did the Afghan government oppose Pakistan's membership of the United Nations in 1947?  Why did the Afghan governments support Pakhtunstan movement led by Wali Khan who received money from RAW as documented by India's ex intelligence official RK Yadav in "Mission R&AW".  Why have the successive Afghan governments, except the Afghan Taliban, supported proxy wars in Pakistan for decades? Why is the Afghan government allowing RAW to use its territory to launch attacks in Pakistan?

What is the possible end-game in Afghanistan with pull-out of US ground forces? Will there be a power vacuum in Afghanistan? If so, who will fill it? Taliban? ISIS? Another force?

Viewpoint From Overseas host Faraz Darvesh discusses these questions with panelists Misbah Azam and Riaz Haq (

Here's a short last 3-minute version of it:

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Views: 497

Comment by Riaz Haq on October 17, 2016 at 6:13pm

#BRICSSummit: #India's & #Modi's Failure. #China. #Russia refused to name #Pakistan on #terrorism … via @IndianExpress

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has just been delivered an unhappy lesson at the just-concluded BRICS summit in Goa: though nine-tenths of geopolitics is about bluff, the critical one-tenth is about knowing when to fold.
The Prime Minister proclaimed, in his closing statement at the summit, that BRICS member-states were “agreed that those who nurture, shelter, support and sponsor such forces of violence and terror are as much a threat to us as the terrorists themselves”. The BRICS 109 paragraph summit declaration, however, doesn’t have a single sentence reflecting this purported consensus—not even the words “nurture”, “shelter” or “sponsor”.
Worse, from India’s optic, the summit declaration calls for action against all United Nations-designated terrorist organisations which include the Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Muhammad but names only the Islamic State and al-Qaeda’s proxy, Jabhat al-Nusra—both threats to China and Russia but not to India.

China’s President Xi Jinping, said success against terrorism made it imperative to “addresses both symptoms and root causes”—a stock-phrase Islamabad often uses to refer to the conflict over Kashmir. Russian President Vladimir Putin made no mention of terrorism emanating from Pakistan at all.
Add to this, the United States’ studied refusal to be drawn into harsh action against Pakistan and there’s a simple lesson to be drawn: less than a month after it began, the Prime Minister’s campaign to isolate Pakistan is not gaining momentum.

Comment by Riaz Haq on October 18, 2016 at 8:16am

#America is likely to remain cosy with #Pakistan and there is little that #India, #Modi can do about it via @qzindia

The Obama administration, now in its last phase, is unlikely to take any strong action against Pakistan even though the White House tacitly supported recent Indian military strikes against terrorists on Pakistan’s side of the Line of Control (LoC).
The Indian strikes came after a cross-border attack on an army camp in Uri, that killed 20 soldiers. The White House issued a short statement the same day, calling on Pakistan to do the right thing. But that is as far as president Barack Obama might be willing to go given the ongoing crises in Syria and Yemen and the volatile nature of the presidential election at home.
It should not surprise New Delhi even though it may disappoint many that the Obama administration does not support a bill introduced in the US Congress on Sept. 20 by congressman Ted Poe, chairman of the house subcommittee on terrorism, calling for Pakistan to be designated as a state sponsor of terrorism.
When asked if the administration would support the move, the state department spokesman John Kirby was more than clear. “Obviously, we don’t,” was the short answer.
The Obama administration has been more circumspect, maintaining what it deems as a necessary “balance” between India and Pakistan in its public statements. It was only after New Delhi pushed hard and pointed to the many statements of support from American lawmakers that the White House was nudged into action after Uri.
The White House issued a stronger statement on the day India launched “surgical strikes” against terrorist launch pads along the LoC, “highlighting the danger that cross-border terrorism poses to the region.” US national security adviser Susan Rice asked that Pakistan “take effective action to combat and delegitimize United Nations-designated terrorist individuals and entities.”

There are still nearly 10,000 US troops in Afghanistan and Pakistan’s cooperation is vital for Washington.

While it’s clear that Pakistan has exhausted most of the goodwill in Washington, no one in the White House has the appetite for rocking the boat and taking the final step towards declaring it a state sponsor of terrorism. There are still nearly 10,000 US troops in Afghanistan and Pakistan’s cooperation is vital for Washington.
In addition, South Asia is not high on Obama’s radar. His personal interest and investment in the region are arguably less than those of his predecessor. The same could be said of his national security adviser.
Pakistan plays in the little space that is left and uses US officials’ fear of a possible nuclear exchange in South Asia to its advantage. Earlier this month, Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif’s two envoys—Mushahid Hussain Syed and Shezra Mansab Khan Ali—sent to denounce India and raise the Kashmir issue, made sure they played on those fears.
Syed reminded his audiences that it was the Clinton administration that called South Asia a potential “nuclear flashpoint.” The clear implication was that the current tensions could lead there unless the Americans intervene with India.
Then, in a gigantic leap, Syed claimed that Afghanistan would not find peace unless Kashmir is settled, bluntly saying the “road to peace in Kabul lies in Kashmir” AND that the two could not be compartmentalised. In other words, the whole region would continue to burn unless Pakistan’s wishes were honoured.
“We request the US to intervene because it has leverage with India,” he said. But even the Obama administration finds it difficult these days to take up for Pakistan, mainly because it has refused to act against the Haqqani network and done nothing to shut down UN-designated terrorists such as Hafiz Saeed who roam freely and hold public meetings.

Pakistan is far from being isolated and finds itself once again at the centre of geopolitics.

Comment by Riaz Haq on October 18, 2016 at 8:38am

#Pakistan thwarted #India's #Modi's attempt to block #39m UN #climatechange #GCFund for 700,000 in #GilgitBaltistan

Songdo, South Korea is not a place that would normally spring to mind as a venue for an Indo-Pak confrontation. Last week, however, the boardrooms of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) witnessed a fascinating spectacle involving the two South Asian states. What was at stake this time? 39 million dollars and the livelihood of 700,000 of the poorest and most vulnerable people of our country.

Formed in 2010 and a centrepiece of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the GCF is the primary global vehicle to finance climate change-related interventions in developing countries.

In Songdo, where it is based, the GCF board met last week to review and approve 10 projects worth $800 million that would help millions of poor people adapt to the risks of climate change.

Among these projects was one submitted by Pakistan — a crucial first for our country given that we are one of the most at-risk places when it comes to climate change.

Supported by the United Nations Development Program, the project is meant to reduce risks and impact of flooding outbursts from glacial lakes in communities in Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Also read: Climate change - The perfect storm

The GCF’s independent technical committee concluded that the project would provide protection to more than 700,000 people, and gave it the go-ahead.

But not before significant drama and tension, as India attempted to have the decision derailed.

In a waffling set of attacks, Indian board member Dinesh Sharma, a Special Secretary in Indian Ministry of Finance, put forth several contradictory reasons for his opposition to the Pakistani project:

The science on glacial melt was weak and hence the project itself was weak; the project risk assessment, he felt, proved that there would be no impact (he was unable to clarify what he meant by ‘no impact’); and that somehow the mitigation work in Pakistan — mostly the installation of early warning and other sensory systems and capacity building of communities — could increase the risks that Indians on the other side of the border were exposed to.

The more Mr Sharma insisted that he was challenging the project on technical rather than political grounds, the more isolated he became. As his objections grew, the true nature of his hostility became more and more obvious to everyone on the board, even though he kept on insisting that his position was only meant to safeguard the credibility of the GCF. His position backfired and ended up generating significant sympathy for Pakistan from developed and developing countries alike.

A robust project meant that the Pakistani board member did not even need to respond directly to Indian concerns. In fact, it were other board members who spoke up in Pakistan’s defence, which was a testament to the country’s case and conduct at the meeting.

Ultimately, group pressure from the entire board, including the South African co-chair, led to the Indian representative being isolated and having no choice but to go with the consensus in the room and approve the project.

And just for the record, this is not propaganda from a Pakistani patriot; the evidence is available in the documented recordings of all the proceedings on the GCF website.

Comment by Riaz Haq on October 18, 2016 at 4:44pm

"Isolated" #Pakistan hosts 16-nation military sports tournament #Australia #UK #China #SriLanka #SaudiArabia #Turkey

Army cricket teams from different countries have arrived at Lahore to take part in the first ever Physical Agility Combat Efficiency System (PACES) competition being hosted by Pakistan Army.

Teams from Sri Lanka, England, Saudi Arabia, China and Australia will participate in the competition.

The event is being organised by Pakistan Army, which is the first-ever such competition in the world.

Commander Lahore Corps Lt-General Sadiq Ali declared the PACES Competition Open amid a colourful ceremony at the Venue which was attended by a large crowd.

All the participating teams joined a Flag March Past, followed by Army's regimental troupes, representing all provinces of Pakistan including Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammun Kashmir, which presented traditional folk dances on the tune of famous regional songs and a spectacular demonstration by the Pakistan Army band, which won thunderous applauds from the audience.

People's Liberation Army (China) and Pakistan Army dominated the opening day of the Pull-Ups contest in the First International PACES Competition-2016 that commenced at the Ayub Stadium on Tuesday.

The visiting cricket teams practised at (NCA) indoor and outdoor to prepare for the first leg of matches to be held on October 19, 21 and 22 in various grounds of Lahore. Later, the team will travel to Rawalpindi and Abbottabad to feature in the remaining matches.

On Wednesday, the participating teams will compete in 3.2-km run which will start at 9am from Askari-10 and end at the Ayub Stadium.

Players of different countries during opening ceremony of first ever Physical Agility and Combat Efficiency System competition. ─APP

Comment by Hasan Jawaid on October 19, 2016 at 9:23am

Riaz - Admire your passion and loyalties to Pakistan and I am a die-hard Pakistani too. I find isolation as one among several strategies backed and supported by the west because India alone can not accomplish this without powerful influence from the west. India doesn't have the grit to launch military offensive at its own unless it obtains no reprisal assurance from the west of any kind from Pakistan and its allies. Another strategy, "Fight terrorism or face international isolation" is yet another strategy towards building the case on isolating Pakistan, we shouldn't be surprised seeing similar attempts in the future also. They would all be along the lines of "Do more" rhetoric, similar to Indian and western alliance on attempting to isolate Pakistan. Pakistan "MUST" build a similar alliance with Russia, China, & Iran to prevent Indian and western hegemony in the region. The slogan "isolate Pakistan" would soon be a slap back on their face and wouldn't gain any traction. Many who wished see Pakistan crumble in the past have kicked the bucket and will continue to do so in the future as well.

Comment by Riaz Haq on October 19, 2016 at 9:29am

Truth is, Narendra #Modi failed at #BRICS, embarrassed #India. #Pakistan #Russia #China … via @dailyo_

Modi appears to have left BRICS leaders unimpressed. As the dust settles on the Goa summit, the government’s orchestration of using the BRICS platform to isolate Pakistan has failed. Moreover, Modi’s loud claim of success has turned out to be embarrassing for the country. 

Modi erred on three major counts. Firstly, he overplayed the terrorism issue. At almost every session, he single-mindedly pursued his Pakistan agenda, derailing BRICS’s own agenda in the process. 

Secondly, he made the mistake of treating the five-nation grouping of BRICS as a debating club like the UN, which it is not. Soft, smart diplomacy ceded space to overt, unilateral pursuit of Pakistan-centric agenda that was outside the brief of BRICS.

Thirdly and most importantly, Modi not only failed to read the mind of the Chinese but also misread the mood of Russian president Vladimir Putin.

The result was expected. The Goa Declaration did talk of the menace of terrorism stalking the world in general terms. It addressed the global concern over terrorism, the battle being fought over it in Syria and other West Asian countries. But it omitted mentioning Pakistan, the “mothership”, in any manner whatsoever. 

Syria got mentioned because Russia wanted it. Pakistan was omitted because China opposed it. In more than a 100 points of the declaration, 109 paragraphs to be precise, Modi failed to have Pakistan named either in the context of cross-border terrorism or as a state sponsoring terrorism to further his political heft. 

Even the LeT and JeM, designated as terrorist organisations by the UN, didn’t find mention in the teeth of Chinese opposition. Ironically, Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL) and Jabhat Al Nusra, also designated terrorist outfits like the LeT and JeM by the UN, figured in the declaration. That’s because Russia had its way and China acted in coordination with Russia.

China came out all guns blazing in favour of Pakistan and played spoilsport at the summit and later in Beijing.

In response to Modi’s “mothership of terrorism” remark, the spokesperson of the Chinese foreign ministry Hua Chunying bluntly told journalists in Beijing that China was opposed to linking “any country or religion" with terror. On the contrary, China asked the world to acknowledge Pakistan’s “great sacrifices” in combating terrorism. 

Xi at the meet snubbed India by talking about addressing “symptoms and root causes” of terrorism. That’s precisely the language Pakistan has been using in reference to Kashmir.

Comment by Riaz Haq on October 19, 2016 at 10:04am

@Hasan Javed:

Thank you for your comment.

I don't think the West is supporting India's efforts to isolate Pakistan for the simple reason that the West, in its own interest, believes in engagement rather than isolation. 

As we saw at BRICS summit in Goa, it's the lack of international support that is thwarting Modi's efforts to isolate Pakistan. 

Comment by Hasan Jawaid on October 19, 2016 at 2:01pm

I disagree with you entirely. At a regional and global perspective, Pakistan's strategic weapons are of great concern to the West including India and Israel. These weapons as well as Pakistan's Army are considered road blockers for US and India from establishing their hegemony in the region over  China. Pakistan is just a punching bag, the real target is China. Afghan war was simply a way to drag Pakistan's Armed Forces at a large scale to this meaningless so called war against terrorism plunging country's economy as well as armed forces resources to depletion. Being aware of West's previous romances and rocky relationship that it experienced over several decades, Pak Armed Forces had envisioned this during or before Mujahedeen days and playing their cards wisely rendered the strategic 14 years of war meaningless. Having failed to achieve its goals in Afghanistan, Indian and Western nexus is now working towards choking Pakistan's economy and international isolation, so to speak. Who in the right frame of mind would deny West's meddling and ruining Pakistan's political structure. How many times has one ever heard that a country's political parties and serving head of the Country form national policies while visiting another country? And these are parties with militant wings who have wreaked havoc in every sense - from election rigging to waging physical terrorism to plundering country's wealth - and yet have been granted space and a safe haven so that they could serve western interest. Pressuring Pakistan to abandon or delay CPEC from becoming operational is being accomplished via these operators. Putting Pakistan's CPEC efforts under pressure is essentially targeting China in the long run. Pakistan is merely a means to achieve this.

Comment by Riaz Haq on December 1, 2016 at 5:26pm

Modi isolating Pakistan? Donald Trump's phone call with Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif has dismayed many in India Donald Trump has delighted Pakistan and dismayed some in India with gushing comments to Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif in which he called the country “amazing” and “fantastic” and promised a rare presidential visit. Islamabad released details of a phone call between the two men late on Wednesday night, in which Mr Trump lavished Mr Sharif and his country with praise, striking a very different tone from comments he made on the campaign trail. According to the release, Mr Trump said: “Your country is amazing with tremendous opportunities. Pakistanis are one of the most intelligent people. I am ready and willing to play any role that you want me to play to address and find solutions to the outstanding problems.” It continued: “On being invited to visit Pakistan by the prime minister, Mr Trump said that he would love to come to a fantastic country, fantastic place of fantastic people.” Mr Trump’s office confirmed the call took place, saying: “President-elect Trump noted that he is looking forward to a lasting and strong personal relationship with Prime Minister Sharif.” Officials in both New Delhi and Islamabad are now scrambling to work out what Mr Trump’s tone might mean for Pakistan — where the US will spend $860m in aid this year — and the region in general.

Comment by Riaz Haq on December 8, 2016 at 9:27pm


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