Why Pakistan ? - Commemorating 23rd March

"Pakistan is proud of her youth, particularly the students, who are nation builders of tomorrow.
They must fully equip themselves by discipline, education, and training for the arduous task
lying ahead of them."
The NED University of Engineering & Technology has been bestowed with such young aspirants of tomorrow
that have by and large taken the responsibility to resurrect history and ideology of our  homeland in the most meaningful and peaceful way possible.
One of such endeavors have been recently witnessed within the university premises in order to 
'Commemorate 23rd March'- A seeminlgly forgotten spirit of Lahore Resolution.The sole incentive to commemorate 23rd march officially at university level was origionally to REVIVE the historic resolution that laid foundation in the making of Pakistan. Taken up as an extension to the flamboyant motive of Pakistan Movement and its youth, this solemnization was also destined to hold every citizen (regardless of status, language and creed) equally valued and accountable to Islamic Republic of Pakistan. 
The overall effort of Constructive Students Network was heeded along with huge amount of voluntary participations from all around the university. The event was escorted by Controller Student's Affairs and Paksitan Study Society which made it possible for team CSN to showcase student thoughts about PAKISTAN. This exhibition was staged at NED University Auditorium on the 22nd of March 2011. 
Commemoration day came about all the way, riding high on the shoulders of NED-ians, bringing back the tumult of patriotism, which, according to some people could have gone wasted as per the current situation of the state and apparently lack of nationalism amongst Pakistanis. Although it is an irony that a country which was created in the name of ideology failed to achieve the destiny laid down by its founders, it's still a commendable fact that today's youth is struggling vigorously to secure this country for their future generation.
An activity was conducted within the university in which charts titled "Why Pakistan ?" were distributed in all student and administration departments. Positive feedback along with high esteemed appreciation included the results. Moreover, it was an unofficial parade of uniformity. Students planned on wearing green and white dress codes that delivered a message of Unity and Love for the homeland.
Various other activities like face painting, photography corner with props like cultural outfits and a depiction of workers at movement also incorporated the activities which were highly appreciated by visitors till the very end of program. It was indeed an insight to renewal of thoughts and reminder of atonement for all that we all owe to this country.

The event also included a Candle-lighting ceremony in the memory of those who lost their lives due to floods, lack of aid resources and also who suffered because judiciary couldn't provide them with justice.



You have performed wonders in the past. You are still capable of repeating the history. You are not lacking in the great qualities and virtues in comparison with the other Nations. Only you have to be fully conscious of that fact and to act with Courage, Faith, and Unity."

About CSN:

“CSN comprises of group of students who impart their knowledge and think constructively for our homeland, Pakistan, trying to tackle the social problems which we are facing at the moment and creating a difference in the society.”

- Munazza Nasir Khan

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