South Asians in US Elections; PTI Protest Call-off; Gadani Shipbreak Tragedy

How will FBI’s leaked letter about Huma Abedin emails impact US elections? Why is pro-Trump Hindu group attacking Huma Abedin for her “Pakistan origin”? Who is more likely to win? Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

Huma Abedin with Anthony Weiner

Why did PTI Chief Imran Khan call off anti-government protests on Panama Leaks? How will it impact Imran Khan’s popularity and political standing? Will the Supreme Court’s corruption probe lead to indictments against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his family? Will there be any reduction of government’s abuse of power and corruption in Pakistan?

What happened at Gadani shipbreaking yard in Pakistan? Why is shipbreaking industry so large in South Asian nations of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan? Is it to satisfy demand for cheap steel in South Asia? Why are there so many tragic accidents in this industry? What can/must be done to improve worker safety?

Viewpoint From Overseas host Misbah Azam discusses these questions with panelists Ali H. Cemendtaur and Riaz Haq (

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

Trump Phenomenon

Hindus For Trump

Huma Abedin in Twittergate

PTI Protests

Panama Leaks on Pakistan

Talk4Pak Think Tank

VPOS Youtube Channel

VPOS Vimeo Channel

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