Pulwama Attack: Did Modi Order False Flag Operation in Kashmir?

On 14 February 2019, a terrorist attack near Pulwama in Kashmir killed 40 Indian soldiers. It has now come to light that Indian TV anchor Arnab Goswami had prior knowledge of it. He wrote in a WhatApp message to BARC TV rating company head Pratho Dasgupta on that day that his channel was “20 min ahead on the biggest terrorist attack of the year in Kashmir”. "This attack we have won like crazy", he added. Arnab Goswami has close ties to the nation's Hindu Nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Mr. Modi's government implicated Pakistan and ordered air strikes in Balakot.  These recent disclosures are raising serious questions about Pulwama and its aftermath. Was this a false flag operation carried out by Indian intelligence agencies to create a pretext for an attack on Pakistan? Was the killing of Indian soldiers in Pulwama orchestrated by the Modi government to win India's general elections that soon followed in April-May 2019? Could this reckless act by India's leader have escalated into a full-scale nuclear war with Pakistan, leading to hundreds of millions of deaths? 

Goswami's WhatsApp Messages on Pulwama Attack

Arnab Goswami and Pratho Dasgupta have been indicted in Indian state of Maharashtra for manipulating television ratings of Republic TV. As part of the prosecution's case, Mumbai police have submitted evidence that includes transcripts of WhatsApp conversations between Goswami and Dasgupta which suggest that the former had prior knowledge of the Pulwama terrorist attack

The transcript shows Goswami writing to Dasgupta on Feb 14, 2019, the day of the Pulwama attack: “Sir 20 min ahead on the biggest terrorist attack of the year in Kashmir....only only channel with a ground presence”. It begs the question: How did Goswami's channel manage to have its media team in Pulwama at the time of the attack without prior knowledge of what was going to happen? Who told them about it? 
In addition to Pulwama attack, Goswami also had knowledge of Balakot bombing in Pakistan that Modi ordered on February 26, 2019. This again raises the question: How did Goswami learn about it?
This must be seen in the context of India's history of false flag operations, starting with Ganga Fokker aircraft hijacking in 1971. According to ex RAW official RK Yadav, the 1971 Fokker hijacking to Lahore was orchestrated by India's RAW. The staged hijacking was used by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as pretext for banning overflights of Pakistani passenger planes in 1971. Here's what Yadav wrote in his book:  
"There was an agent of R&AW-Hashim Qureshi in Srinagar.......R&AW persuaded Hashim Qureshi to work for them.....After the plan was given final shape, on January 30, 1971, Hashim Qureshi along with another operative Ashraf Qureshi, his relative, was allowed to hijack a Fokker Friendship plane Ganga of Indian Airlines with 26 passengers on board, to take the plane to Lahore airport. R&AW allowed him to carry a grenade and a toy pistol inside the plane. Pakistani authorities at Lahore airport allowed the plane to land when they were informed that it had been hijacked by National Liberation Front activist militants of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. All India Radio soon made broadcast of this hijacking and the whole world was informed that the Pakistan Government was behind this hijacking...The incident overtly gave India the right opportunity which was planned by R.N. Kao, to cancel the flights of Pakistan over its territory which hampered the plans of Yahya Khan to send its troops by air to curb the political movement of Mujib in East Pakistan".  
After reading the WhatsApp transcripts of Goswami's conversation with Dasgupta, it is hard to escape the conclusion that both Pulwama and Balakot were orchestrated and timed by Mr. Modi's Hindu Nationalist government to ensure BJP's win in 2019 elections. These were reckless actions that could have escalated into a major nuclear war between India and Pakistan. It was Pakistan's measured response to Indian provocation that prevented widespread destruction and the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent people in South Asia and elsewhere. 

Views: 547

Comment by Riaz Haq on January 21, 2021 at 12:49pm

The book ‘Ganga to Pulwama – India’s False Flag Operations’ written by Dr Junaid Ahmad and Ibnul Hasan Rizvi comprehensively covers eight of India’s false flag operations starting with hijacking of Ganga aeroplane in January 1971, Indian parliament attack in December 2001, arson in train at Godhra leading to Gujarat Carnage in 2002, Samjhota Express arson in February 2007, Mumbai attacks in November 2008, Pathankot in January 2016, Uri attack in September 2016 and Pulwama in February 2019.


The book launching ceremony organized by the Readers Club at Arts Council of Pakistan was attended by a large number of intellectuals, academicians, security analysts and civil society members. On the occasion, former senator Javed Jabbar delivered a comprehensive review of the book, followed by Sabuha Khan who presented her views about the publication. Vice Admiral (r) Arifullah Hussaini expressed his thoughts about the book, followed by musings on the book by author Ibnul Hasan Rizvi. After the speeches, an extensive question-answer session was held wherein the participants asked particular questions about the facts described by the book and the results derived therein.

The purpose of the book is to serve as a caution to Pakistanis and the international community against India’s ultimate game of deception. The book has established that how a hegemonic country like India, with the support of ruthless and corrupt rulers, can brow beat its smaller neighbours and eventually the entire world. From the several incidents, the book has derived a definite pattern which should be enough to squash and rebut India’s allegations. The pattern which emerges from these incidents can be summerised as follows: India blamed Pakistan for all the incidents without any proof. No Pakistani was ever involved in any of the above operations. Even Ajmal Kasab of Mumbai attacks was later found to be an Indian. All attackers were killed by the Indians within few hours leaving no one alive.

All the people killed in these attacks belonged to lower caste Hindus or Muslims and no upper caste Hindu, VIP, foreigner or journalist was ever killed.

Besides this, the Indian government managed to brow beat the investigators and in fact even investigation agencies were changed to get the desired investigation reports.

Comment by Riaz Haq on January 21, 2021 at 1:02pm

#India released confession video of a man purported to be "Ajmal Kasab" after the #Mumbai #terror attack. It raises serious questions, particularly about his #Mumbaikar accent and the fact that he seeks forgiveness from "Bhagwan", not Allah. #FalseFlag https://www.riazhaq.com/2015/01/mumbai-attack-confession-rare-jihad...

Comment by Riaz Haq on January 21, 2021 at 1:11pm

Another now well-known #Indian false flag op, according to ex RAW official RK Yadav, was Fokker hijacking to #Lahore by #RAW agent Hashim Qureshi. It was then used by Indira Gandhi as pretext for banning overflights of #Pakistani passenger planes in 1971.

"There was an agent of R&AW-Hashim Qureshi in Srinagar.......R&AW persuaded Hashim Qureshi to work for them.....After the plan was given final shape, on January 30, 1971, Hashim Qureshi along with another operative Ashraf Qureshi, his relative, was allowed to hijack a Fokker Friendship plane Ganga of Indian Airlines with 26 passengers on board, to take the plane to Lahore airport. R&AW allowed him to carry a grenade and a toy pistol inside the plane. Pakistani authorities at Lahore airport allowed the plane to land when they were informed that it had been hijacked by National Liberation Front activist militants of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. All India Radio soon made broadcast of this hijacking and the whole world was informed that the Pakistan Government was behind this hijacking...The incident overtly gave India the right opportunity which was planned by R.N. Kao, to cancel the flights of Pakistan over its territory which hampered the plans of Yahya Khan to send its troops by air to curb the political movement of Mujib in East Pakistan".


Comment by Akhtar Hussain on January 22, 2021 at 4:45am

Riaz Sahib, These are important findings.  The problem is, will their ever be an international tribunal to bring the perpetrators to a court of justice.  India has never provided any evidence to prove it's claims.  The world has not demanded it either.  It uses it's soft power to woo the American and the Europeans to sing from the Indian hymn sheets.  It has even manged to influence the Arabs to stay silence on the Kashmir issue.  I am surprised, with so much corruption, lies, mismanagement and poverty, India still manages to stay in the good books.  Given, India is a large market to sell to, also India provides cheap labor at many levels, surely, this cannot be the reason for the world to keep silent. 

President Biden has quoted a hadith from our Prophet Mohammad (SAW):  I wonder if he will do something to hold all form of media accountable for spreading fake news without properly investigating it.



Thank you.

~ Akhtar.


Comment by Riaz Haq on January 23, 2021 at 7:40am

"While the mature handling of the crisis by Pakistan’s leadership averted the worst-case scenario, the fact that the Modi government orchestrated the Pulwama false flag to gain domestic political advantage showcased jingoistic mindset ruling New Delhi."


Coming on the heels of the busting of India’s biggest clandestine disinformation operation by the EU DisinfoLab barely a month ago, Goswami-gate has shown a fresh light on the dirty games that the Hindutva-inspired Modi government has been playing ever since he ascended the throne in New Delhi in 2014.

The exchange of explosive Whatsapp chats between the firebrand Republic TV anchor, Arnab Goswami, and BARC CEO Partho Dasgupta is replete with all manner of incriminating evidence.

The revelation that Goswami knew “something big will happen” three days ahead of the IAF warplanes flew into Pakistan and dropped their payload in Balakot must send shivers down the spine of all those who remain invested in peace and stability in one of the world’s highly volatile regions.

A plain reading of the texts makes it abundantly clear that the Modi government took the risk to upset the bilateral status quo with a keen eye on the potential electoral gains that such an act of brinkmanship was presumed to accrue.

As Pakistan mulled options to respond to the Indian aggression, the air was thick with a possibility of hostilities breaking out, an event that could have threatened the nuclear threshold.

While the mature handling of the crisis by Pakistan’s civil and military leadership did avert the worst-case scenario, the fact that the Modi government orchestrated the Pulwama false flag to gain domestic political advantage showcased the kind of jingoistic mindset that is ruling New Delhi.

The strategic restraint shown by Pakistan drew widespread appreciation from world capitals. The swift counteraction by the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) restored the balance of aerial power and the return of the captured IAF pilot marked a diplomatic victory for Islamabad.

The events that happened in a span of weeks, following the Pulwama incident, presented a sharp contrast in the thinking of the Pakistani and Indian leadership as well as their respective approaches to regional peace and stability.

The second term of Narendra Modi as India’s prime minister has been marked by a series of actions that are ideologically driven with an express aim to rethink the idea of India in contravention of its founding-fathers’ ideals.

If the BJP possessed a little over 20 percent of votes in the early 1990s, today its hold on the Indian electorate is complete, a fact evidenced by its strongest ever showing in the polls in 2019 that gave Modi a landslide victory. Modi’s takeover of the party has also been complemented by a transformation of its internal political culture: from being a right of center party, the BJP has come a long way off -- becoming the mouthpiece and champion of the Hindutva ideology that seeks to reimagine India as a Hindu-only country.

Even from the standards of Indian politics of the right, the BJP’s old guard such as Atal Bihari Vajpayee appears to be towering personalities with a clear understanding of the world and the need for peaceful coexistence with neighbouring countries such as Pakistan.

Known for his role in the Gujarat pogrom in 2002, Modi’s political journey has witnessed tremendous growth from the periphery to the center of Indian politics. He successfully employed religious narrative wrapped in a jargon that harkened back to the mythical glorious past of the ‘great Hindu nation’, a status ‘denied’ to them firstly by Muslim invaders and then the imperialist British. He presented the BJP as the sole voice of the Hindus, working to make India a Hindu-only country. In the process, he was shrewd enough to cut all political rivals out of competition that could challenge his rising ascendancy in the party.

Comment by Riaz Haq on August 11, 2021 at 7:24pm

According to the authors (Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark of Spy Stories), ISI officials disclaimed all knowledge of the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) attack in Pulwama within hours of the incident, which was apparently planned in Afghanistan’s Helmand, and not Pakistan. Mr. Doval and Deputy NSA Rajinder Khanna disbelieved the Pakistani messages, however, and carried out the Balakot air strikes to “humiliate the Pakistan military”, the book recounts.


In another disclosure, the authors say that Indian investigators found that “corrupt local police officers” had helped four JeM terrorists sneak into the Pathankot airbase to carry out an attack, in which seven personnel of security forces were killed. In a surprise move, the Modi government had invited a team of Pakistani investigators to Pathankot to jointly investigate the terror attack, but relations broke down between the two countries shortly after, and the joint investigation plan went nowhere. The NIA charge-sheet filed the same year against JeM doesn’t mention that the terrorists were helped by uniformed men.


Note: "Corrupt local police officers" included DSP Davinder Singh. Indian government recently refused to probe and press charges against Davinder Singh. Were these false flag ops orchestrated by Indian intelligence?


Comment by Riaz Haq on August 25, 2021 at 9:47am

Ghazala Wahab

Two reasons why India's foreign policy always come up short.

1. Exaggerated sense of self.
2. Deep-rooted hatred against Pakistan, which translates into prejudice against Muslims; and repeated iteration of cross-border terrorism, when we know there is no such thing



Comment by Riaz Haq on September 2, 2021 at 10:16am

No major terrorist attack took place in India since Modi became PM in 2014, says Rajnath Singh


“No matter what it takes, we will not let terrorists succeed. Forget about Jammu and Kashmir, no major terrorist attack took place in any part of the country after the arrival of Modiji. This is our major achievement. It seems that terrorists are now scared of the BJP government. This is not a small thing,” he said.

“Terrorists now realise that they are not secure even in their safe havens. What we did (surgical strike in PoK) after the Uri attack gave a clear message to the world that we can kill terrorists on this side as well as by crossing the border if need arises,” Singh added.

If the previous Congress governments were sensitive towards Army jawans, the issue of OROP, which the jawans had been demanding for 40 years, would have been resolved. But the Congress did not accept the demand, the minister said.

Comment by Riaz Haq on September 23, 2021 at 10:19am

Six Jammu and Kashmir government employees sacked for terror links
Read more at:

Among those sacked are a constable and a junior assistant in road and building department who have been chargesheeted by NIA for providing logistical support to Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists for executing terror plans; a constable who looted weapons from and MLC with whom he was posted as PSO; a teacher who had admitted to being a locally trained terrorist and who was also detained under PSA ; a forest range officer listed as OGW in police records; and a teacher who was district commander of a terrorist group before joining government service without any selection process.

The six on the termination list are Ab. Hamid Wani, resident of Bijbehara in Anantnag; Jaffer Hussain Butt, resident of Kishtwar; Mohd. Rafi Butt, resident of Kishtwar; Liyaqat Ali Kakroo, resident of Baramulla; Tariq Mehmood Kohli, resident of Poonch; and Showkat Ahmad Khan, resident of Budgam.

Comment by Riaz Haq on October 12, 2021 at 6:41pm


In 1980, India and Israel collaborated a joint attack against Pakistan's nuclear plant in Kahuta. The nuclear program was still in the embryonic state. Plus there were no F-16 aircrafts with the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to counter such a strike. A squadron of Israeli aircraft...



The timing of Khan’s outpourings could not have been worse. Reagan was due in Beijing. The aid package to Pakistan was up for renewal on Capitol Hill. In New Delhi, too, there was anger at Khan and at the US. The talk was that Washington had betrayed India’s secret plans to strike at Pakistan’s nuclear project. K. Subrahmanyam, chairman of India’s joint intelligence committee, picked over the Khan interviews. “We knew we were being challenged by Islamabad,” Subrahmanyam recalled. “Our intelligence people also had evidence of the Pakistan air force increasing their levels of readiness, further proof, if any more were needed, that our covert intentions to hit Kahuta were not secret any more.”

But what made India’s joint intelligence committee livid was that it had been sitting on the plan to strike KRL for a year. A committee of soldiers and intelligence people had first come together to discuss what became known as “the Osirak contingency” in 1981, after Lieutenant General Krishnaswami Sundarji had published his Pakistan war-gaming manual. Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi had consented and placed Air Marshal Dilbagh Singh, chief of air staff, in charge of the operation. He had ordered Indian Air Force Jaguar squadrons to practice low-level flying, simulating runs with 2,000-lb bombs.

In February 1983, with the strike plan at an advanced stage, Indian military officials had travelled secretly to Israel, which had a common interest in eliminating Khan, to buy electronic warfare equipment to neutralize Kahuta’s air defenses. On 25 February 1983, Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi had accused Pakistan of “covertly attempting to make nuclear weapons,” and three days later, Raja Ramanna, director of India’s Bhabha Atomic Research Center, had revealed that India, too, was developing a uranium enrichment facility. Suspecting something was brewing, the ISI sent a message to their Indian intelligence counterparts in RAW that autumn, and as a result Munir Ahmed Khan of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission met Dr. Ramanna at the Imperial Hotel in Vienna. He warned Ramanna that if India were to strike at Kahuta, Pakistan would hit India’s nuclear facilities at Trombay. It lay downwind from the teeming Indian city of Mumbai and an attack would result in the release of “massive amounts of radiation to a large populated area, causing a disaster.”

— Adrian Levy & Catherine Scott-Clark: "Deception: Pakistan, the United States and the global nuclear weapons conspiracy", Walker Books, 2010.


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