French Elections; Militant Hindu Threats Against Pak Children; Panama JIT

What do we know about French presidential run-off election candidates Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen? What is at stake for France in the elections? What if the Islamophobic, anti-Europe, anti-trade, racist candidate Marine Le Pen wins? Will French elections be impacted by Brexit and Trump victories in recent votes?  How would it affect France's standing in the world? How would it affect Europe if she follows through on her promise to leave the European Union?

Why were 50 Pakistani children invited to India by an Indian NGO returned without completing their visit? Why did Hindu militants affiliated with the ruling BJP threaten the NGO that invited them? Why is Prime Minister Modi silent on rising attacks by Hindutva outfits on minorities, particularly Muslims, in India? Is India heading to a long period of religious violence and instability?

Does the Joint Investigating team (JIT) set up the Pakistan Supreme Court after Panama verdict have the independence or the skills to investigate financial crimes possibly committed by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his family? Will it be able to reach any conclusions based on evidence? Will the JIT itself and/or its findings become controversial in Pakistan's polarized and low-trust society?

How did the border violence between Afghanistan and Pakistan start near Chaman? Where is Afghanistan headed? What is the Trump administration strategy there? Will US send more troops? Is a negotiated settlement even possible under the current circumstances with Afghan president refusing to visit Pakistan? Would the Afghan government be able to implement any agreements it makes with Pakistan or any other party or entity?

Viewpoint From Overseas host Faraz Darvesh discusses these questions with panelists Misbah Azam and Riaz Haq (

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Talk4Pak Youtube Channel

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