73 people burned alive in train, SC inquired Sheikh Rashed, supposed to asked by PM, Hails to SC

SC court asked critical question with the one who talks alot and does not make sense in his own Ministry.He was asked to whether sheikh Rshed will resign after the horrific Tezgam fire in which 73 passengers perished on his watch.Ideally the question should come from the prime minister, or the minister’s cabinet colleagues, or his constituents.

Supreme Court is now the place where federal ministers will have to answer for their performance track record, and especially if the track record should include such heinous lapses as that which resulted in the train accident in Rahim Yar Khan last year.

According to some reports, the year 2019 was one of the worst suffered by the railways, with more than 100 fatal/non fatal accidents.Railway ministry is in debt and loss,Railway is most corrupt ,all the record in still manuel,Track, railway station and security is still in Danger.Some said railway is old and rubtured department,one year 75 to 80 accidents have reported.75 inquiries started almost 54 inquiries have been completed but no one is held responsible for that incident.

Only  few junior officials were dismissed and there ended the tale. Last June, when another accident involving a collision between a passenger train and a goods train left three people dead and several others injured, the minister asked for forgiveness from the country after accepting responsibility.

But the time for empty words, false promises and crocodile tears must end at some point.The court has asked for a business plan to show what the minister’s plans are for returning the railways to financial viability, and given him two weeks to furnish this. Of course it is understood that there is no such plan, nor has there been any work towards developing one.

And the best that can be done in two weeks is a bare sketch of how the enterprise can be returned to financial health.ML1 have been 14 years old and still not completed.Circular railway's 38 Canal land was evacuated by SC and the ones getting homeless are the responsibility of the railway.

Pakistan English News


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