Respected Sir Riaz,

Your prompt response reflected your ruly, kempt and neat disposition. It indeed gives me an alloyed emotion of pride and mirth to have earned the honour of interviewing a man of your stature. Certainly, it would add a new moon to our magazine. Thank you for granting us the access.

Afterwards, I would like to brief to you a little about the magazine I have been working for, for the last four years.

Sir, in my mail prior to this, I mentioned that the name of the magazine is 'The Watt'. It is the sole annual official magazine of the department. It has had four previous editions which were all acknowledged in good esteem. In the past, the magazine was a mere 30 page magazine. But this year, owing to the insistence of the pupil and preachers, we have set to work on a 80 page edition. Obviously, it no trifling errand to materialize our dream. The magazine is not only floated in the department of Electrical Engineering but is also circulated in the department of Telecommunication Engineering, the duaghter branch of Electrical. It is an annual magazine and every year we go with as many as 800-1000 copies, hinging upon our fiscals. The printing cost, as we have been told by the official printers of NED, is around 150,000 PKR. Our current monetary figure rests at 120,000 PKR all of which wad accumulated by visting a lot many sponsors. We are far from our target and neither are there any more hopes from any other company to stand with us in good stead in our time of need.

If you could sohw us a little glimmer of light in the vast desert of deprivation and despair, our long-woove dream would no longer be a mirage. I should only be too glad to apprise you with any other information that you may want to know regarding the tabloid.

I shall soon post you the questions that we have worked-out for your interview. We are all conducive to suggestions and counsel so do let us know should a find something amiss with our queries.


Editor, The Watt

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