As the US-led NATO coalition in Afghanistan and the new government in Pakistan find themselves in policy disagreements and total disarray, with Hamid Karzai playing the spoiler, the resurgent Taliban appear to be preparing for the takeover of major cities on both sides of the border: Kandahar in Afghanistan and Peshawar in Pakistan. This is something that would have been considered unthinkable just a few months ago. The concern until recently was focused on the tribal areas of Pakistan. Now the…
Added by Riaz Haq on July 1, 2008 at 7:19am —
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Sam Hormusji Framji "Sam Bahadur" Jamshedji Manekshaw MC (April 3, 1914 – June 27, 2008) Passed away today in Tamil Nadu, India. He was an Indian Army officer, with his distinct handlebar mustache, and only one of two generals to reach the rank of the Field Marshal in the Indian Army. He was the last of the top commanders involved in Bangladesh war of 1971.
In his long career spanning nearly four decades, Manekshaw rose to be the 8th Chief of Staff of the Indian Army in 1969 and…
Added by Riaz Haq on June 28, 2008 at 9:09am —
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By Riaz Haq
Bunge, the third biggest US agribusiness company after
Archer-Daniel-Midland and Cargill, is buying Chicago-based Corn
Products International Inc. for $4.2 billion in stock to add
corn-based sweeteners as demand increases for soft drinks and
processed foods in China, India and Pakistan, according to US media
reports. This acquisition enlarges Bunge's international footprint in
emerging economies to drive its growth.
Corn Products…
Added by Riaz Haq on June 24, 2008 at 5:04pm —
1 Comment
On June 14, the SAP campus in Palo Alto was the venue for OPEN Forum 2008, probably the world's largest gathering of Pakistani entrepreneurs outside of Pakistan with over 500 attendees. Organization of Pakistani Entrepreneurs (OPEN) describes itself as "a voluntary, not-for profit organization dedicated to the promotion of entrepreneurship and leadership in the Pakistani-American business community". Only a stone-throw away from Sandhill Road, the home of the big Silicon Valley venture…
Added by Riaz Haq on June 21, 2008 at 10:54am —
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As the US venture capital investment activity in India and China races ahead, the VC investments in Pakistan are just beginning to show signs of life with two young Pakistani companies receiving funding in late 2006 and middle of 2007.
Venture capital investment in China was up to $719m across 39 deals during the first quarter of 2008 from $492m in the first quarter of 2007, with media and advertising companies accounting for the bulk of deal activity and investment, according to the…
Added by Riaz Haq on June 15, 2008 at 7:19pm —
As the "Long March" by the Pakistani lawyers gets headlines in Pakistan and around the world, it is natural to ask what is all the fuss about? Ostensibly, it is to restore Pakistani judiciary as an independent and powerful institution and strengthen democracy. But is this a realistic expectation that an independent, powerful judiciary supported by lawyers and the media in Pakistan would be good for democracy and the rights of the average citizen? Let's look at the following facts to answer this…
Added by Riaz Haq on June 10, 2008 at 9:30am —
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Respected Sir Riaz,
Your prompt response reflected your ruly, kempt and neat disposition. It indeed gives me an alloyed emotion of pride and mirth to have earned the honour of interviewing a man of your stature. Certainly, it would add a new moon to our magazine. Thank you for granting us the access.
Afterwards, I would like to brief to you a little about the magazine I have been working for, for the last four years.
Sir, in my mail prior to this, I mentioned…
Added by Haad-Bin-Tariq on June 6, 2008 at 2:15am —
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National Public Radio(NPR), an American radio network, is doing a series on a massive wave of urbanization underway in the world's emerging economies such as Brazil, China, India and Pakistan. It has chosen to start with Karachi, which it describes as Pakistan's "economic lifeline" and financial "powerhouse" that produces 25% of Pakistan's GDP, and calls it "one of the largest and most crowded cities of the world". It has a segment on Shehri, the activist group fighting big-money…
Added by Riaz Haq on June 5, 2008 at 1:00pm —
Respected Sir,
I hope to make my acquaintanceship with you won't be a breach of manner. Sir, I am a Final year student at NED University, graduating under the discipline of Electrical Enfgineering, which, I gather, is the same faculty that has engendered an emerald like you.
Sir, I have heard a lot about you and all in good words, that I assure you. I had been intending to join this Alumnus for sometime, but alas! levity and lethargy kept me from doing so.
Added by Haad-Bin-Tariq on June 4, 2008 at 9:20am —
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I write daily Real Estate Blog entry at
Real Estate Blog
Added by Siddique on June 3, 2008 at 8:31am —
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Along with Howard Dean, Steve Westley and Mike Moritz, several
prominent Silicon Valley NEDians are speakers and/or panelists at the
OPEN Forum 2008, the annual conference organized by Organization of
Pakistani Entrepreneurs ( It is
scheduled for Saturday, June 14, 2008 in Palo Alto, CA.
Mike Moritz, the Iconic Venture Capitalist who saw YouTube and Google
coming, will tell you what the next major trends are in high tech…
Added by Riaz Haq on June 2, 2008 at 10:30pm —
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On the day of our departure for Jeddah, with our bags packed and goodbyes dispensed with, our group found itself together at the coffee shop of the hotel. There each one of us talked about whether this trip had changed our opinions of Pakistan and its people.
This is a country of about 160 million people scattered about four provinces and Azad Kashmir. As the world's fifth largest democracy, Pakistan has had its share of questionable leadership, but there is enough evidence that the…
Added by Riaz Haq on May 26, 2008 at 6:45am —
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Under a peace deal signed by the NWFP provincial government, the authorities say they will withdraw security forces and allow the pro-Taliban militants to impose Sharia law in Swat in return for promises to close training camps and end attacks. This is particularly astonishing as it involves secular nationalists of the Awami National Party that trounced the right wing JUI party in the last elections.
This announcement by Senior Minister of NWFP Bashir Ahmad Bilour followed a…
Added by Riaz Haq on May 21, 2008 at 4:00pm —
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Yawm al-nakba (The Catastrophe) and Yom Ha'atzmaut (The Independence Day) occur on May 14 each year. But this year is the 60th anniversary of the events of May 14, 1948 that the Israelis celebrate as their independence day and the Palestinians recall the horrors of massacres of Palestinians and expulsions from their homes in what is now the state of Israel.
For a long time, the Israeli textbooks have either not mentioned or completely denied any violence and forced expulsions of…
Added by Riaz Haq on May 17, 2008 at 8:30am —
As the world food crisis becomes acute, entrepreneurs see opportunities to tackle it and make big money. Such efforts could give a much-needed boost to feed the growing population of the world. For years, big agribusiness companies have used new seed and fertilizer varieties to push yields higher. But as technology gains have slowed, the search for additional arable land has intensified. That's created an opening for entrepreneurs with visions of re-collectivizing the land in former communist…
Added by Riaz Haq on May 14, 2008 at 11:30am —
1 Comment
When Intel puts its weight behind an initiative, it automatically gets a boost. But when Google and Intel together join forces, no one in their right mind can bet against such a combined force. Mobile Internet with broadband access has achieved that inevitability with Google backing a Wimax joint venture between wireless veteran Craig McCaw's Clearwire and Sprint-Nextel. In addition to Intel and Google, this venture is also supported by Comcast and Time-Warner.
As the world goes…
Added by Riaz Haq on May 8, 2008 at 10:03pm —
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"The mission was perfect," said G Madhavan Nair, chairman of the state-run Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). Mr. Nair was celebrating the latest successful launch by India of a mission with 10 satellites from the Sriharikota space center off India's east coast.
This latest success by ISRO makes India a serious contender in the fast growing $2.5B commercial satellite launch business expected to grow rapidly over the next several years. The BBC is reporting that the rocket…
Added by Riaz Haq on April 28, 2008 at 8:00am —
Food Price Hikes Hit Silicon Valley
By Riaz Haq
The prices of rice, chappati, besan, daals, spices and almost all staples consumed by silicon valley South Asians have experienced triple digit price inflation during the last year. After reading about food price inflation and shortages of staple foods in their home countries, Pakistanis and Indians are now feeling the pinch in Silicon Valley as Basmati rice is in very short supply even with a 300% price jump.…
Added by Riaz Haq on April 26, 2008 at 10:03pm —
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Prior to co-founding Precept (, I founded and ran a software company named EzValidation (as CEO) for about 5 1/2 years. With my development team in Karachi, Pakistan, we developed state-of-the-art software for the cutting-edge fingerprint security applications. We worked with top-notch companies such as, AuthenTec, Fujitsu, Atrua, Validity Sensors and Computer Associates. Most recently, AuthenTec, a Florida-based publicly traded company on NASDAQ, has acquired all…
Added by Shoieb Yunus on April 20, 2008 at 9:45pm —
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As Mr. Asif Ali Zardari and Mr. Nawaz Sharif together consolidate their power in Pakistan, there are renewed fears that a new era of of unchecked corruption is about to hit Pakistan. Let's hope that these fears are unfounded. Unfortunately, the history tells us otherwise.
In the past, Pakistanis have had to withstand plunder from only one of them at a time. The question now is: Can Pakistan survive a combined assault by both of these "gentlemen" and their cabinet ministers in…
Added by Riaz Haq on April 18, 2008 at 10:30pm —
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