Muhammad Yusuf Ghanchi
  • 88, Male
  • Jeddah
  • Saudi Arabia
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Profile Information

Where do you live?
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Your real name? (No pseudonyms, please)
Muhammad Yusuf Ghanchi
Which college or university?
N.E.D. Engineering College-Old City Campus
Any fellow Pakistani Alumni living near you?
Your graduation date?
Your major?
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
What do you do for a living?
Working as CEO
Any professional affiliations? Memberships in professional orgs?
Not presently
What have you done for your alma mater lately?
Tell us about you:
Graduated in the year 1960-worked for Karachi Shipyard for two years, then for Caltex Pakistan for 30 years. Now working as General Manager, Saudi Aircraft Services Ltd., a Chevron-Saudi joint venture.
What are your hobbies?
Preparing and compiling religeous literature and following Current Affairs, Exchanging useful and entertaining emails and Communicating with my children and grand children.
Your favorite books?
International authors on world current affairs and history.
Favorite Music:
Favorite TV Shows:
Reality shows

Comment Wall (3 comments)

At 2:07am on October 9, 2007, Badruddin A.Khan said…
Thanks for your message. I have formed a group of Senior NEDians until year 1975. Please become a memeber and help me stablish a
community development organization for Sindh.Besides I want to make in Karachi the base of this group and have regular meetings.
Please inform all of such Nediains you know and send me their personal data.
At 2:10am on October 9, 2007, Badruddin A.Khan said…
Dear Yusuf the last message was for you. Badaruddin Khan
At 2:03pm on October 10, 2007, Badruddin A.Khan said…
Dear Yusuf Salamalaikum!
First aim is to form a group of Senior NEDians. Then find enough memebers at Karachi to be active a do some thing as registration of associations etc.
In my opinion we should do some philanthropic works. For which a trust has to be formed by Senior Nedians.
I have many projects fro Thar such as:
Provide an operation theatre and Lady Gynacologist at Mithi, the capital of Thar.
To reduce the effects of draught, the reservoirs could be made to collect rain water. I have the technical knowhow and the government has made survey for selction of locations.
Then dairy farming needs to be introduced in a manner that the cattle farmers do not need to keep migrating. Provide milh chilling and other dairy industry for the farmers.
I am in contact with two big organizations who are willing to co-opearte. One is Bahhn Baily organization established by Javed Jabbar, and also Rashidabad Trust in Tando Alalyar They have built hospital, orphange, Cadet college, and school in the village area with the high standards in which certain percentage of local peolpe get services free.
I think this is enough to start with please pass this message to all Nedians as I have some difficulty to do it through this forum. Ask them to write to me on
Eid Mubarak
Badruddin Khan

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