aftab ahmed

Profile Information:

Where do you live?
Your real name? (No pseudonyms, please)
aftab ahmed
Any fellow Pakistani Alumni living near you?
not that i know
Your graduation date?
Your major?
mech. engg.
What do you do for a living?
independent consultant environment tech.
Tell us about you:
1968: ned
followed by ms at stanford
independant consultant: environmental tech. for fossil fired power stations
What are your hobbies?
reading, travelling, etc.
Your favorite books?
german literature
Favorite Music:
jazz, classical, old rock
Favorite TV Shows:
german tv

Comment Wall:

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  • Riaz Haq

    Aftab sahib, Just noticed you comment.
    Thank you for your compliments.
    The comments for members should be posted on their pages. Any comments you wish to leave for me should be on my comment wall on my page. Thx.
  • Syed Qasim Bukhari

    Assalam-o-Alaikum Sir !
    It is really nice to see an ex-NEDian with a great career.Sir I read that you did your MS from stanford.well sir em also aiming to do ma MS from there but I badly need your advices.some people suggested me to first find some teacher there who can forward your application.Sir ! can you help me in this regard to even just get some intro with any teacher of even a student still connected with stanford there ?
    Thank you
  • Syed Qasim Bukhari

    Thats ok sir !! Even ur thoughts are valuable for me.... thnx a lot for such selfless thoughts.
    If you ever get any contact with ur any fellow of stanford or some other top ranked university please let me know....there might b thousands of people working under you n they might be from such top universities or your other fellows.I just need an intro from such a person so that I can get some wonderful advices from him
    May GOD bless you