Eid-al-Adha Meat-Fest in Pakistan

Media coverage of Pakistan's brisk Eid-ul-Azha livestock sales are a reminder that the nation is among the world's top ten consumers of goat meat and beef based on USDA data.

Pakistan's goat meat consumption of 779,000 tons in 2011-12 ranks it among the top 3 in the world. 1.7 million tons of beef consumption in Pakistan is ranked  9th among beef consuming nations. In addition, 834,000 tons of poultry meat consumption puts it among world's top 20.

Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan 2011-12

Along with rising meat consumption, there has also been a big surge in milk consumption with the ongoing livestock revolution in Pakistan. Pakistanis consumed nearly 39 million tons of milk in 2011-12, according to Economic Survey of Pakistan. This translates into 223 Kg of milk consumption per person which is about the same as the developed world's per capita milk consumption and more than twice that of neighboring India's 96 kg per capita.

Although meat consumption in Pakistan is rising, it still remains very low by world standards. At just 18 Kg per person, it's less than half of the world average of 42 Kg per capita meat consumption reported by the FAO.

Being mostly vegetarian, neighboring Indians consume only 3.2 Kg of meat per capita, less than one-fifth of Pakistan's 18 Kg. Daal (legumes or pulses) are popular in South Asia as a protein source.  Indians consume 11.68 Kg of daal per capita, about twice as much as Pakistan's 6.57 Kg.

Another ingredient popular in South Asian cuisine is vegetable oil.  It's an important source of fat and protein for a nutritious and tasty diet. Edible oil consumption soars during the holidays as hundreds of millions of people eat sweets and fried foods during the September-December festive season.   Pakistanis use about 20 Kg of oil, the per capita amount recommended by the World Health Organization, while Indians consume about 13 Kg per capita.

Source: USDA Report 2013

Celebratory occasions like Eid or Diwali push sugar consumption in South Asia. Pakistan's per capita sugar consumption is about 23 Kg while India's is about 20 Kg per person per year.

Fish Farming Growth in Pakistan. Source: FAO

Although still below average relative to the world, per capita consumption of meat, milk and edible oil is rising with rising incomes and standards of living in both India and Pakistan. As the dietary habits change, it'll be important for policy makers and health and fitness professionals to watch the changes and help educate the people about healthy eating.

Here's a video of MeatOne, a meat packer in Karachi:

Post by Meat One.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

Livestock and Agribusiness Revolution in Pakistan

Pakistan's Rural Economy Showing Strength

Solving Pakistan's Sugar Crisis

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  • Riaz Haq

    World Cattle Inventory:

    Pakistan ranks 8th in the world in number of heads of cattle:

    World 1,467,548,724
    Rank Country Head % Of Total
    1 Brazil 211,764,292 14.43%
    2 India 189,000,000 12.88%
    3 China 113,500,000 7.73%
    4 United States 89,299,600 6.08%
    5 Ethiopia 54,000,000 3.68%
    6 Argentina 51,095,000 3.48%
    7 Sudan  41,917,000 2.86%
    8 Pakistan 38,299,000 2.61%
    9 Mexico 32,402,461 2.21%
    10 Australia 29,290,769



  • Riaz Haq

    As one of the most important occasions in Pakistan, Eid al-Adha generated an estimated revenue of over 1.74 billion U.S. dollars in sacrifices and related economic activities, with the sales of sacrificial animals and decorations witnessing a rise this year.


    According to the latest statistics from Pakistan Tanners Association, Eid al-Adha generated estimated economic activity to the tune of 329 billion rupees (1.15 billion U.S. dollars) in 2022 in the country from sacrifices alone, with the amount surpassing 500 billion rupees (1.74 billion dollars) if related economic activities are included.

    Talking to Xinhua, Mushtaq Malik, an animal trader at a make-shift animal market in eastern Rawalpindi district, said that a large number of buyers with their families are visiting the market and showing keen interest in sacrificial animals while indulging in hard bargaining and negotiations.

    "We raised these animals with love and affection. They (customers) try to choose the best animal to sacrifice on this special occasion. Some affluent people don't care too much about the prices as their focus is to buy the best," Malik said.

    He said that the price of each animal depends on age, weight and health, adding that the animal with the right weight and health would be sold at a higher price, and buyers know all about their options before purchasing the animals.

    As the hustle and bustle is gradually increasing at cattle markets, some of the buyers seem rather unhappy about the unrealistically high prices of the animals, complaining that the prices have gone up substantially compared to last year.

  • Riaz Haq

    Pakistanis' average testosterone level is 635 ng/dl, ranking the 4th highest in the world, after Mongolia (693), Ethiopia (671) and Nigeria (649).



    Red meat can increase testosterone levels in small amounts because it contains zinc and vitamin D, which are important for testosterone production. However, eating too much meat can have the opposite effect. A 2019 article from nutritionfacts.org claims that a meal high in fat can lower testosterone levels by nearly one-third within hours. Consuming too much meat can also disrupt hormonal balance by increasing estrogen levels.


    Mongolia 693
    Ethiopia 671
    Nigeria 649
    Pakistan 635
    Egypt 623
    Russia 619
    Saudi Arabia 605
    Poland 595
    Kyrgyzstan 595
    Sudan 589
    Uganda 586
    Yemen 577
    Iran 564
    Philippines 562
    Kenya 559
    Italy 556
    Germany 542
    Portugal 537
    Sri Lanka 533
    Tunisia 532
    Iraq 523
    South Africa 517
    Morocco 505
    Vietnam 503
    Indonesia 502
    Malaysia 492
    Belgium 488
    Jordan 488
    China 480
    Myanmar 475
    India 474
    Qatar 474
    Switzerland 472
    Ukraine 471
    South Korea 459
    Turkey 456
    Spain 453
    Serbia 440
    Australia 434
    Thailand 433
    Palestine 431
    New Zealand 428
    Bangladesh 423
    United States 420
    France 420
    Finland 418
    Sweden 417
    Brazil 416
    Mexico 412
    Uruguay 404
    Cuba 403
    Canada 402
    Israel 395
    Romania 394
    Lithuania 392
    Greece 391
    Chile 358
    Kazakhstan 356
    Latvia 349
    Bahrain 346
    Slovakia 330
    Czech Republic 324
    Venezuela 290